The following table, generated partially using the included Tcl script names stat.tcl, shows the relative complexity of the benchmarks in terms of component counts. The column headings are: i for current sources n for nodes (total number, does not take shorts into account) r for resistors (includes shorts) s for shorts (zero values resistors and voltage sources) v for voltage sources (includes shorts) l for the number of metal levels included in the circuit name i n r s v l ibmpg1 10774 30638 30027 14208 14308 2 ibmpg2 37926 127238 208325 1298 330 5 ibmpg3 201054 851584 1401572 461 955 5 ibmpg4 276976 953583 1560645 11682 962 6 ibmpg5 540800 1079310 1076848 606587 539087 3 ibmpg6 761484 1670494 1649002 836107 836239 3