
University of California, Santa Barbara
of Creative Studies - Physics


Waves, Kinetic Theory, and Relativity

PHYS CS 33 – Spring 2007

Instructors: Dr. Ilan Ben-Yaacov, Matthew Neeley



*    04/02/07: Welcome to your 3rd quarter of CCS Physics!



Syllabus (click here for syllabus in .pdf format)



Time:                       Tues/Thurs 3:30 - 4:50 p.m.

Place:                      PHELPS 1440

Instructor:              Dr. Ilan Ben-Yaacov, ESB Room 2213, ext 5295, ilan@engineering.ucsb.edu

Office Hours:         Wednesday 10:00am-12:00pm in ESB 2213


Problem Sessions:

Time / Place:          Wed 1:00 - 2:50 p.m., BLDG 387 room 103

                                  Wed 3:00 - 4:50 p.m., BLDG 387 room 103

Instructor:              Matthew Neeley, maffoo@physics.ucsb.edu

Office Hours:         Tues 1:15-3:15pm in BROIDA Room 4217

                                  (click here for a map of 4th floor of Broida)



Teaching Assistant:    Daniel Balick, dbalick@physics.ucsb.edu

TA office hours:           Mon 5:00-7:00pm in CCS Room 145 (or 148 if room 145 is full)


Grader:                          Ryan Hazelton, rhazelton@umail.ucsb.edu

Grader office hours:   Tues 7:00-9:00pm in CCS room 148 (or 145 if room 148 is full)


Required Texts:    Physics, 5th edition, by Resnick, Halliday, and Krane, 2002, ISBN 0-471-32057-9

                                  An Introduction to Mechanics, by Kleppner and Kolenkow, 1973, ISBN 0-07-035048-5


Homework Assignments


Homework 1


Homework 2


Homework 3


Homework 4


Homework 5


Homework 6


Homework 7


Homework 8


Homework 9






Index Notation Handout


Standing Wave Modes of a 2-D Sheet        







Wave reflection and transmission at a discontinuity - applet


Doppler Effect - Applet


Beats - Applet


Vector Calculus:


Table of div, grad, curl


Visualizing div and curl


Special Relativity:


History of Special Relativity


Experimental Tests of Special Relativity





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