CE, CCSP, and E &P have area specific course requirements for the M.S. degree:
- major and minor course requirements fulfilled depending on the emphasis
- 42 units of coursework done
- register for 12 units each quarter
- ESL (English as a Second Language) courses passed (international students only)
- register by the 5th week of the quarter preceding quarter of registration; e.g. register during the 5th week of Spring quarter for fall quarter
- undergraduate courses which cannot be used towards the MS degree requirements: ECE 130A, 130B, 132, 134, 137A, 137B, 139, 152A, 152B, 154/154A, 156A; CMPSC 130A & 170; PSTAT 120A; ENGR 101
Plan I (Thesis Option)
A master's thesis is patterned after a Ph.D. dissertation but on a scaled-down level of originality and length. A public seminar presentation is not required for thesis defense.
Dates to Remember:
- Friday of finals week and last Friday of Summer Sessions is the deadline to complete all degree requirements for that term
To Do:
Forms (only available in the ECE Graduate Student Office):
- M.S. Form I (Thesis Committee Nomination)
- Conflict of Interest Form (CoI)
- M.S. Study Plan
Plan II (Comprehensive Exam Option)
The exam is administered by a committee of three ladder faculty members selected by the student called the Examination Committee for the Degree of Master of Science. Each program area (CE, CCSP, and EP) has a different format for the exam (Comprehensive Examination — Formats by Area - pdf)
Dates to Remember:
- Friday of finals week and last Friday of Summer Sessions is the deadline to complete all degree requirements for that term
To Do:
- Notify the ECE Student Office of the date of your exam four weeks before your exam to allow time for paperwork to be processed
- Book a room for your exam (see Rm Reservations box on right)
Forms (only available in the ECE Graduate Student Office):
- M.S. Comprehensive Exam Form
- M.S. Study Plan
Graduation is different from the commencement ceremony. When students graduate, they finish all degree requirements.
Commencement ceremonies occur once a year after the last day of the spring quarter. The Graduate Student ceremony has always been at 4 p.m. on the Sunday after the last day of spring quarter. To attend the ceremony, sign up on the Graduate Division website. Information about commencement is usually available early in the spring quarter.
Before Leaving UCSB:
- Complete the department exit survey
- Turn in all department issued keys to the ECE Electronic Shop (HFH 1160)
- Forward mail and close mailbox in the ECE Central Administrative Office (HFH 4155)