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License installation instruction

File:NetworkLicense InstallationGuide.pdf

Update instructions

Network Version: File:Fimmwave 64 bit June

Network Version: File:Fimmwave 32 bit June

For 1 of the 3 Stand-Alone Access Keys: File:SA Fimmwave 32and64 bit March

License log

8/25/2010 Network license is down. "041" error shows up. Both local use and remote access is forbidden Rebooting the serve PC and replugging the hardkep solve the problem

10/24/2010 Network license is down."041" error shows up. Both local use and remote access is forbidden Rebooting doesn't solve the issue. 10/28/2010 Network license recovers automatically. Don't know why...

11/09/2010 Receive three stand-alone license keys and CD as back-ups in case the network license is down. It's required to install the corresponding version of fimmwave in order to use the stnad-alone key.

1/25/2011 Network license is down. Remote access is forbidden while the local use of the license is ok. The PC with the physical key can run fimmwave without problem. "041" error shows up. "035" error shows up after reinstalling fimmwave in my remote PC. rebooting the simulation PC doesn't work. 2/9/2011 Add port "UDP 6001" in the firewall exception list and resolve the problem.

3/15/2011 Sudha reports fimmwave network license is down. Both local use and remote access is forbidden."041" error shows up. Unplugging and re-plugging the physical key doesn't solve the probelm Reboot the simulation PC, and the license is back.

License debug

Logfiles are located in c:/program files (x86)/PhotonD/Log files/

1. Grab screenshot of error message, allow program to exit.

2. Note down exact time of event, ideally from your computer clock.

3. Open the Sentinel License Monitor (http://localhost:6002 by default, though you might have changed the port?).

4. Grab a screen shot of the Monitor.

5. If the Monitor shows that Licenses In Use is >0, then click on the left-hand column to display the License Usage for the Key page (see screenshot in Network Installation Guide). Grab screen shot. If the Monitor displays that all the licenses are in use, then find the people indicated in the License Usage pages and check with these people whether they are intentionally using the software etc.

6. Try starting FIMMWAVE from server PC. Note down result and time.

7. Try FIMMWAVE again from client PC. Note down result and time. If it still does not work then continue...

8. Run the Sentinel Medic as described in §2.6 Testing Connection to Sentinel Server. Grab screenshot and write down your results.

9. Try FIMMWAVE again from client PC. Note down result and time. If it still does not work then continue...

10. Stop/restart the SPS service in Control Panel (admin rights required).

11. Re try FIMMWAVE from client PC. Note down result and time. If it still does not work then continue...

12. Reboot the server computer.

13. Re try FIMMWAVE from client PC. Note down result and time.

It is VERY important that any observations are carefully and accurately noted down and then sent to us. Accurate observations will help us identify the root problem with confidence and resolve this issue finally. Regards Photon Design Support(

update: Mar. 18 2011


There are a few steps that you need to do with your computer in order to allow scripting in python of Fimmwave. Please see the manual (File:Fimmwave Scripting Manual.pdf) for step by step instructions. I have already done this to the simulation computer.

Once you have completed these preliminary steps, please feel free to take a look at this already constructed python scripting example File:LioniX WG If you write a new and interesting example, with additional functionality please post the commented code.

1) Extract all of the files in the above .zip you will need them to walk through this example. Be sure to place all three of these files (, and in the same folder.

2) Open Fimmwave via the desktop shortcut with the target "...fimmwave.exe" -pt 5101 for reasons described in the manual. (python and other programs communicate with communicate with Fimmave over TCP/IP)

3) Open LioniX_WG.prj

4) Open or in Python IDLE (or your preferred python script compiler)

5) You can modify a output file save location in this script, else the data will simply be saved in the current directory of your script

6) Run the script with Python 2.3 (other versions give you errors, this is the version on the Fimmwave CD).

7) Once the script is complete the output file can be viewed. It is tab delimited and makes a nice table in excel.

Have fun and share your knowledge!!!


1, The function always return "None";


replacing (Line279 in fimmwave/Scripts/ recmsglen = atoi(recmsg) by recmsglen = atoi(recmsg.split('\x00')[0])


There is an update CD in one of the binders for July 19, 2010, Jock has a copy.

Once you install you need to replace these 3 files in the bin folder. File:LioniX WG