Software equipment

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Equipment software
Tool Type (ID) LabView Matlab Other External Links
Agilent USB/GPIB interface 82357A     Installation instructions  
Rohde & Schwarz signal generators SMB 100A, SMF 100A   File:SigGen init.m, File:SigGen setlevel.m    
Rohde & Schwarz spectrum analyzer FSU   File:SensitiveReadSpectrum.m    
HP LCR meter HP 4284A   File:HP4284A CV.m    
Agilent OSA 81614B   File:Ag86142BOSA gettrace.m    
HP LCA 8703A   File:Readtrace8703A.m Data is in text format  
HP LCA 8703A   File:Savetrace8703A.m Converts data from Readtrace to reasonable format.  
Keithley 2602   File:Func keithley set current.m, File:Func keithley read photocurrent.m sets current on the keithley; reads current on the keithley