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Materials Characterization

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

CNSI has a room devoted to AFM including 2 models Asylum and NanoScope. Contact Mark Cornish <> to get tips and register. The cleanroom also has a NanoScope AFM managed by Bill Mitchel <>.

Asylum AFM



NanoScope AFM

Bill will approve you to sign-up once someone he trusts trains you.


Igor Pro demo: Asylum download requires a login, and to get one takes a little while. Is it possible to upload that to the wiki? Gwyddion and GTK+: it recommends a specific GTK+, not sure why it matters though. If you have it from Pidgin or something I'm sure it'll work.

Focused Ion Beam

Mainly used to create/image cross sections and perform TEM lamina preparations.

[MRL Micrscopy]

Cross Sections

Needs gold coating or conducting surface.

Will mill out a trench with ion beam and image the cross section at a 52 ° tilt. Can get up to 100kX SEM images and normally create trenches up to 20μm

Best when you don't want to destroy your samples and/or your tolerance to cleaving is less than 25 µm, otherwise try cleaving

Contact Daryl Spencer to setup a session, two weeks notice is usually sufficient.

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

XRD qualification of wafer:

This is one scan in ~20minutes if you know the offcut and direction already.

  1. Note offcut amount and direction. Draw arrow relative to wafer flats. ([110] is the direction perpendicular to the major flat)
  2. ID the layer peak(s), if separated from the substrate peak, and give the strain(s) (or just peak separation)
  3. ID superlattice/QW fringes. Count them (e.g. -2 to +3) and note spacing in arcseconds
  4. Make note of any other strong fringe peaks or broad/mysterious layer peaks

NB: Offcut on GaAs may be up to 10degrees. (XRD person try a pole search to locate). InP offcut ~0.2degrees is standard and often not noticed during XRD.

Optical Characterization

LI curves

"Example:" This technique allows you to measure output power vs. injection current. The follwoing equipment is used:

  • Keithley (link to equipment)
  • Agilent powermeter (link)

The measurement can be controlled using this (link) software. A sample plot looks like this: (insert picture). More about this technique can be found in:

  1. Mr.X et al., IEEE Journ. of Lightwave Technol., vol. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Aug. 2005
  2. Our own uploaded description (in doc format maybe)

Electrical characterization


Microwave measurements

Linearity measurements (OIP2, OIP3, SFDR,...)