Basics of Optical Communication Systems and WDM

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Plastic fibres exist. capacity vs distance requirement drives us to move from copper cables to optical fibres. attenuation vs wavelength has minimas at telecom wavelength (1310nm and 1550nm). SONET - synchronous optical network. SDH - synchronous digital heirarchy. notation - OC-N => N x 51 Mbps STM-X => X x 155Mbps some standards OC-48 : 2.5Gbps OC-192 : 10Gbps OC-768 : 40 Gbps Bands O(original) band - 1260 <-> 1360nm E(Extended) band - 1360 <-> 1460nm S(Short) band - 1460 <-> 1530nm C(Conventional) band - 1530 <-> 1565nm L(Long) band - 1565 <-> 1625nm U(Ultra-long) band - 1625 <-> 1675nm At 1310nm (although not an exact minimum) there is zero pulse broadening. CWDM-coarse wavelength division multiplexing,DWDM-dense wavelength division multiplexing. coarse: span:1260->1610nm , spacing:20nm