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Revision as of 17:17, 29 March 2010 by Hwchen (Talk | contribs)

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General Instructions This software is generally used for simulation of electrical properties of the devices. Once the material parameters of each epitaxial layers are set properly, current profile, band diagrams, electrical field etc. can be inspected. Devices behaviors, such as PDs, can also be simulated regarding interaction between input light intensity (please ask Daoxin for this part).

Installation 1) Install the software. You can get a copy from shared drive under "Software." 2) Set the environment variable as "SFLM_SERVER" and value as "" 3) You are ready to use the software

Funtionality 1) In general, only Deckbuild and Tonyplot are necessary for our applications. Material parameters and calculations are done in Deckbuild and results can be inspected in Tonyplot. 2) Deckbuild files are saved as ".in" file. Please specify your working directory so you can locate your file correctly. Below is the template files for everyone to start with. You are welcome to add more so that we have more options to start with. 3) Results of each structures are save as ".str". You can also save each bias condition as well. Please reference to Atlas Manual for more details. 4) Each ".str" file can be open in Tonyplot as a 2D figure to inspect. Here, you can

Please reference to Atlas manual under this path (Silvaco\Doc\atlas_users.pdf) for more details.