Control Using Logic
and Switching
workshop for the
40th IEEE Conference on Decision and
December 4-7, 2001,
in Orlando, Florida
The overall objective of this tutorial workshop is
to overview a variety of methods for synthesizing and analyzing logic-based
switching control systems. By a logic-based switching controller is meant a
controller whose subsystems include not only familiar dynamical components
{integrators, summers, gains, etc.} but logic-driven elements as well. The
overall models of systems composed of such logics together with the processes
they are intended to control, are concrete examples of what might be called
“hybrid dynamical systems.”
An important category of such systems are those
consisting of a continuous-time process to be controlled, a family of
fixed-gain or variable-gain candidate controllers, and an “event-driven
switching logic” called a supervisor whose job is to determine in real time
which controller should be applied to the process. Examples of supervisory
control systems include re-configurable systems, fault correction systems, and
certain types of parameter-adaptive systems. Major reasons for introducing
logic and switching are to deal with communication, actuator and sensor
constraints, with model uncertainty, with unforeseen events or to avoid
performing difficult tasks e.g., precise equipment calibration which might
otherwise be necessary were one to consider only conventional controls.
The aim of this workshop is to provide an overview
of algorithms with these capabilities, as well as to discuss various techniques
for analyzing the types of switched systems that result.
João Hespanha
University of California at Santa Barbara
Room 3121, Engineering I
Electrical & Computer
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Tel: +1 (805) 893-7042
Fax: +1 (805) 893-3262
hespanha at
Daniel Liberzon
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Coordinated Science Laboratory
Univ. of Illinois
1308 W. Main Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Tel: +1 (217) 244-6750
Fax: +1 (217) 244-1653
liberzon at
A. Stephen Morse
Yale University
of Electrical Engineering
Box 208267
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520 USA
+1 (203) 432-4295
Fax: +1 (203) 432-7481
morse at
Part I – Switched Systems (Liberzon)
08:00 – 08:45 Switched Control Systems
08:45 – 10:15 Stability of Switched Systems
These two lectures were based on the manuscript:
Daniel Liberzon,
using Logic and Switching, Dec 2001.
Part II – Self-Adjusting Control (Morse)
10:30 – 12:00 Framework for Self-Adjusting Control
01:00 – 02:15 Achieving Detectability
These two lectures were based on the manuscript:
Stephen Morse,
Notes on Self-Adjusting Control Systems, Dec 2001.
Part III – Supervisory Control (Hespanha)
– 03:45 Supervisory Control of Families of Linear
03:45 – 05:15 Supervisory Control of Families of Nonlinear
These two lectures were based on the manuscript:
João Hespanha, Tutorial on Supervisory Control, Nov. 2001.
You can download the slides used in Part III from here.