Equipment that has been checked out of the lab: doc.
Equipment that is stored in the trailer: Equipment_in_trailer. Updated 03/04/13
Equipment that is stored in the third floor office. Check here for spare computer parts: docx.
Electrical spectrum analyzers
- HP 70000 (2) - these have an optical input port as well. They need to be installed in a mainframe.
RF signal generators
- Fluke 6060 (2)
- HP 8340B synthesized sweep generator (10 MHz to 26.5 GHz)
Data Tx/Rx
- Quantum DD1 divider delay unit
- HP 8349B (2-20GHz)
- EIN 300L (kHz-110MHz)
Network analyzers
- HP 8703A (lightwave component analyzer)
- Agilent E8364A (PNA with LCA attachment)
- PNA-X HP N52454A (10MHz - 50GHz)
- We also have an HP 8510A (45MHz - 26.5 GHz) that has been donated to the microwave teaching lab in HFH.
RF Filters
- Variety available from K&L Microwave, Inc.
RF Components
C-V meters
Data acquisition and switching
- Hameg_8123
- Agilent 34980A with microwave and general purpose switching modules
- Monochrome Image Capture Card
Cables & connectors
- See the attached document for instructions on microwave connector care.
RF probes and their latest calibration files:
GSG 100:
- 40GHz S/N 96265: File:ACP40 GSG100 96265.txt
- HP 70820A microwave transition analyzer (essentially an oscilloscope with excellent rise-time measuring capabilities)
Voltage/current sources
- Keithley 2400 series source meters
- Keithley 2600 series source meters
- ILX LDP 3811 pulsed current source
- ILX LDX-3207B laser diode driver
- LDX-3220 laser diode driver
- Light Control Instruments 502 laser diode driver
- SDL-8610-D laser diode driver (for SDL-8610 850 nm lasers)
- ILX FOA-8100 fiber amplifier driver
- LCI-102 current source
- New Focus 0901 current source
- Agilent E3640 DC voltage source
- HP 6205C dual DC voltage source
- Kikusui PAB 18-3 DC voltage source
- Lambda LA-200 DC voltage source
- LDC9003A DC voltage source
- Bertran 215 High-voltage DC source
- HP 4338B milliohm-meter
- Keithley 6485 picoammeter
- Keithley 485 picoammeter
- Fluke 8012A multi-meter
- HP 3468B multi-meter
- HP 3478A multi-meter
- Keithley 175 multi-meter
Semiconductor parameter analyzers
- HP 4145A Semiconductor parameter analyzer
Temperature controllers
- Hitachi V-355 oscilloscope
- Tek 11801 digital sampling scope
- Tek 5104B oscilloscope
- Lecroy SDA 100G oscilloscope
Pulse generators
- Agilent 33250A Function generator to 80MHz
- HP 8116A (2) function generators to 50MHz
- PulseBlasterDDS (2) PCI board to generate pulses with 100MHz clock
Lock-in amplifiers
Other amplifiers
- SR570 current pre-amplifier
Fiber optics
OADM Filter
- OPLink OADMG2C34000214 (>4) 1549.87~1550.37nm
Tunable filters
- JDSU TB4500 (2) 1535-1565 nm, F-P type
- Koshin FC-1560B-1-1 (1) 1540-1560 nm (2 filters, 1 housing)
- Santec OTF (4) 1535-1565 nm, various bandwidths, probably membrane
- Agiltron FOTF-023121333 (1) 1270-1345 nm, 1nm 3dB bandwidth, IL = 2.1~2.8dB, probably membrane
- OZopticsPolarizers Polarizers from OZ optics
Polarization beam splitters
- 9/125-SPP-1550-PBS-50-3A3U3U: from "ozoptics", one SMF in (APC)/two PMF (UPC) out; 50 dB reflection;
- HP 86060C lightwave switch
Fiber Spools
High-speed Measurement
- Agilent LCA N4373A Lightwave component analyzer (DC - 67 GHz) - attached to the Agilent E8364A
- Agilent LCA xxx Lightwave component analyzer (DC - 26.5GHz)
Power meters/broad area PDs
- Newport 835 power meter
- HP 438A power meter
Misc. characterization
- Hamamatsu streak camera (parts in trailer)
Optical sources
Broadband sources
- ASE source
Agilent broadband ASE source - Spectrum
- Hg lamp
CW lasers
1550 nm
- RIO Lasers 1kHz linewidth DBR lasers, 20mW, 1565nm
- Orbits Ethernal fiber lasers (3), all around 1537 nm
- Koheras Boostik fiber laser
- Koshin LS-601A tunable laser
1310 nm
- Emcore 1614W (2): 1310nm
- Lightwave Electronics 120-04 (2): 1319nm
780, 1060, 1300 nm
- SDL-8610 (2): 850nm, 100mW, fiber-coupled
Pulsed lasers
- PriTel PFL-1550 femtosecond mode-locked laser
- IPG EAD-2K-C C-band EDFA with 33dBm max. output power
- IPG EAR-2K-C (2) C-band EDFA with 33dBm max. output power
- MPB EFA-P21F C-band gain-flattened EDFA wtih 21 dBm max. output power
- Thorlabs 1132P BOA O-band (1300nm) booster SOA with ~17 dBm max. output power
- Agilent 81577A (2) high-power attenuator
- HP8156A (at least 2)
- SHF 4003A 40Gb/s transmitter
- JDSU 10024180 intensity modulator
- Sumitomo T.MZH1.5-40X-ADC-Y-Z intensity mod (40G)
- Brimrose AOM Acousto-optic modulator
- IntraAction ME AOM driver
- Oriel chopper Chopper + controller
- SR540 chopper and controller
We have several USB/GPIB converters. The one from Agilent is not intuitive to install. Follow the instructions here:Agilent 82357A (USB/GPIB)
- Black Box RS232/GPIB converter
- Newport 855C programmable controller (for up to 4 mechanical actuators)
Water coolers
Optical tables
First aid kit (near fume hood)
Fire extinguisher near the main entrance
Shower and eye-wash in the hallway right outside the lab
Radiation safety goggles at various wavelengths (in bin above sample cabinet). Check the UCSB laser safety manual for guidelines on choosing appropriate goggles for your experiment.
Safety documents:
Click here for a list of chemicals in the fume hood and links to their MSDSs.
Lab-specific guidelines: File:FemtolabCHPSecI.pdf
Campus-wide chemical hygiene plan Section II (UCSB policies, procedures, and resources):
- CURRENT: EH&S online version
- OLD: File:CampuswideCHPSec.II.2011.pdf
Campus-wide chemical hygiene plan Section III (regulatory framework):
- CURRENT: EH&S online version
- OLD: File:CampuswideCHPsection III.2011.pdf