From OptoelectronicsWiki
We are working hard to improve the group's ability to efficiently and accurately produce physical simulations. Currently you can either simulate on your own machine or use the simulation computer located in the suite (Manager - Paolo). Some software has limited licenses, consult the manager of the software of interest for more information.
List of Software
University Available Software
- Old ECE Software List (Advanced Design System, Ansoft, Bluespec, Cadence, Mathematica, Matlab, Mentor, Micro Magic, Microsoft, Silvaco, Symantec Anti-Virus, Synopsys, Synplicity, etc.)
- New ECE Software List (Advanced Design System, Ansoft, Bluespec, Cadence, Mathematica, Matlab, Mentor, Micro Magic, Microsoft, Silvaco, Symantec Anti-Virus, Synopsys, Synplicity, etc.)
- CS Software List
- Discounted Software via Software Depot
- Lumerical Simulation Suite
- Cadence Virtuoso (&Mentor Calibre) (Rui Wu & Akhilesh Khope & Robert Zhang)
Commonly Used Group Software
- MS_Office
- Matlab
- Silvaco
- Rsoft-Beamprop (Hui-Wen) - Optical mode calculation (Fund, higher order, eff. index, etc.) and small angle unidirectional waveguide propagation .
- Fimmwave-Fimmprop (Jock) - Uses Film Mode Matching (FMM) or Finite-Difference Method (FDM) to model 2D modes and propagate them by overlap integrals in 3D.
- Harold (Jock) - Laser diode simulator.
- Comsol (Daoxin) - Multi-physics tool with (simultaneous models 2D or 3D optical, thermal, and/or electrical properties of your structure).
- CAMFR (CAvity Modelling FRamework)
- SimWindows
- LabView
- Vertical (Keep this within the Bowers/Blumenthal/Coldren Groups)
- SRIM (for ion implant)
- PICwave
- OmniSim
Under Review
- PICS3D (Evaluated: Costly and time intensive to learn)
- Meep (Rui Wu)
- This is a list of available software that may be interesting, but try something we already use first before sinking too much time into these.
On the Group Simulation Computer
- Matlab
- Comsol (Daoxin) - Multi-physics tool with (simultaneous models 2D or 3D optical, thermal, and/or electrical properties of your structure).
- Silvaco
- Mathematica
- Fimmwave-Fimmprop (Jock) - Uses Film Mode Matching (FMM) or Finite-Difference Method (FDM) to model 2D modes and propagate them by overlap integrals in 3D.
Home-made code
- Epi Design (Yongbo) - Quantum well design including the strain using Finite Difference Method(FDM)
- multiFilm (Yongbo) - Based on transfer matrix for AR Coating, grating coupler et al..