Collective Wisdom

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Rationale & Rules[edit]

This page lists a set of reviewed reports that can be used for background knowledge on modeling, fabrication and test & measurement. The aim of this page is to list reviewed, complete and well-written reports, with links and references to all the required background knowledge. To this end we have standardized the approach how we should write these documents:

  • The template has a standardized cover page. Use this and fill it in completely. The MS Word template can be downloaded here.
  • Write your report in the same style how you would write a journal or conference paper: introduction, theory, experimental setup, results, discussion, conclusion. Now you have version 0.
  • Find at least two people who want to review your report. Ask them to be critical. Discuss with them and implement any changes. Now you have version 1.
  • Version 1 can be uploaded to the list below. Version 0 not.
  • The cover page allows you to track your changes over time. Increase the version number every time you want to make changes and re-upload.

List of reports[edit]

Bowers Group Scientific Reports
Title Version Author Abstract Link
On the Modeling of Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers v1 Martijn Heck This report gives an overview of the model that can be used to simulate semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) based on indium-phosphide, or III/V in general, gain material. Specific trade-offs and considerations for the application of an SOA in a coupled opto-electronic oscillator (COEO) or mode-locked laser (MLL) will be discussed. Report
On the Faby-Pérot fringes in transmission and insertion loss measurements v1 Martijn Heck This report discusses and quantifies the detrimental effects of Fabry-Pérot resonances that appear when transmission measurements are done on chips that have uncoated facets. The hypothesis until now was that a spectral average over multiple fringes would be a valid approach. This report quantifies the effect. Report