Compound |
August 27-30, 2012 University of California Santa Barbara, CA USA |
Exhibition |
Organizers |
CSW 2012
We invite Exhibitors interested in showcasinig their products and services at the Compound Semiconductor Week 2012 that brings together 2 conferences: the 39th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS) and the 24rd International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM). Both conferences are the major, long-standing forum that covers all aspects of compound semiconductor fundamental and applied research. In 2011 Compound Semiconductor Week (CS Week) and attracted 455 attendees from research and industry to Berlin Germany. Do not miss the unique chance to meet the whole CS community in Santa Barbara next year! Booth package: Booth package: the booth fee of $2,500 includes: 10' x 10' space * (1) complete conference registration (includes registration materials and catered events) * (1) 8' draped table * (2) chairs * (1) wastebasket * Standard electricity * Company listing on conference website * Company listing in conference program * Roster of conference participants Exhibit space is available on first come first served basis. Additional equipment and further advertisement opportunities can be arranged on request.
For booth registration and further information please contact: Whitney Morris Phone: 805-893-5880 |
Sponsors & Exhibitors |
Sponsor Financial Sponsor |
International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials |