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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
12:29, 10 June 2010 AR Coating.xlsx (file) 10 KB Geza   1
09:32, 9 June 2010 SOIBuffer2R v2.6.docx (file) 514 KB Geza Process follower for SOIBuffer2R. Does not include process for removing III-V under 'gap fill'. 1
11:03, 12 May 2010 Bowers Contact Sheet 4-10.pdf (file) 197 KB Molly group contact sheet in PDF form as of 4/10 1
12:23, 11 May 2010 SRIM (file) 12.03 MB Molly Installation files for SRIM - the stopping and range of ions in matter 1
17:46, 4 May 2010 AgilentE8257D datasheet.pdf (file) 1.67 MB Molly Datasheet for Agilent E8257D (signal generator) 1
17:43, 4 May 2010 Better Measurements Using RF Signal Generators.pdf (file) 959 KB Molly Agilent RF signal generator manual 1
17:41, 4 May 2010 HP 8673Series Datasheet.pdf (file) 226 KB Molly HP 8673D (signal generator) datasheet 1
09:46, 4 May 2010 SOIBuffer2RBatch1.pptx (file) 437 KB Geza Summary of results for SOIBuffer2R batch1. 1
15:22, 29 April 2010 Emcore testfixture.jpg (file) 275 KB Molly PCB layout for Emcore 1614W and 1772 lasers 1
15:18, 29 April 2010 Fixture Connection.doc (file) 562 KB Molly Schematic for Emcore 1614W and 1772 laser modules 1
15:12, 29 April 2010 1614Wdatasheet.pdf (file) 607 KB Molly Datasheet for Emcore 1614W DFBs 1
14:16, 22 April 2010 1030-1050 Tunable Laser - ThorLabs - Quote.pdf (file) 19 KB Jock   1
11:13, 22 April 2010 1044 SLED - ThorLabs - Spec.pdf (file) 105 KB Jock   1
10:25, 22 April 2010 1545 & 1030 IIIV Epi - Landmark - High Value PO.pdf (file) 256 KB Jock   1
10:23, 22 April 2010 1545 & 1030 IIIV Epi - Landmark - Quote.pdf (file) 53 KB Jock   1
10:21, 22 April 2010 Frequency Swept OCT Laser - Thorlabs - Quote.pdf (file) 55 KB Jock   1
10:21, 22 April 2010 1044 SLED - ThorLabs - Quote.pdf (file) 20 KB Jock   1
10:19, 22 April 2010 1064 Tunable Laser - Koshin Kogaku - Spec.pdf (file) 49 KB Jock   1
10:17, 22 April 2010 1030 SLEDs - INPHENIX - Quote.pdf (file) 24 KB Jock   1
10:10, 22 April 2010 1030 SLED Light Source Module - INPHENIX - Spec.pdf (file) 116 KB Jock   1
10:09, 22 April 2010 1030 SLED Eval Board - INPHENIX - Spec.pdf (file) 133 KB Jock   1
10:09, 22 April 2010 1030 SLED - INPHENIX - Spectra.gif (file) 10 KB Jock   1
10:08, 22 April 2010 1030 SLED - INPHENIX - Spectra.BMP (file)
Error creating thumbnail: Image type not supported
38 KB Jock   1
10:08, 22 April 2010 1030 SLED - INPHENIX - Spec.pdf (file) 21 KB Jock   1
10:05, 22 April 2010 SLEDs - INPHENIX - Quote.pdf (file) 24 KB Jock   1
10:03, 22 April 2010 Fiber Passives - AC Photonics - Quote.pdf (file) 16 KB Jock   1
10:02, 22 April 2010 1030 Circulators - AC Photonics - Quote.pdf (file) 13 KB Jock   1
09:33, 22 April 2010 1030nm Lensed Fiber - AFR - Spec.pdf (file) 43 KB Jock   1
09:33, 22 April 2010 1030nm Fiber VOA - AFR - Spec.pdf (file) 60 KB Jock   1
09:33, 22 April 2010 Fiber Patchcord - AFR - Spec.pdf (file) 66 KB Jock   1
09:32, 22 April 2010 1030nm Fiber Isolator - AFR - Spec.pdf (file) 22 KB Jock   1
09:32, 22 April 2010 1030nm Fiber Couplers - AFR - Spec.pdf (file) 43 KB Jock   1
09:31, 22 April 2010 1030nm Fiber Circulator - AFR - Spec.pdf (file) 45 KB Jock   1
09:30, 22 April 2010 1030nm All Passives - AFR - Quote.pdf (file) 69 KB Jock   1
20:15, 20 April 2010 Filters.pdf (file) 3.53 MB Sudharsanan   1
17:59, 19 April 2010 090810 PhASER Stepper coordinates and GDS number.xls (file) 87 KB Hwchen   1
14:54, 19 April 2010 100309 Stepper coordinates and GDS number.xls (file) 207 KB Hwchen   1
14:51, 19 April 2010 100122 slotline process flow.ppt (file) 1.07 MB Hwchen   1
14:49, 19 April 2010 100401 Slotline rev2.xls (file) 113 KB Hwchen   1
14:48, 19 April 2010 100309 slotline G2 tapeout.tdb (file) 4.44 MB Hwchen   1
18:02, 18 April 2010 LibMask Dist + (file) 1.1 MB Jock   1
19:20, 14 April 2010 (file) 650 KB Jock   1
17:16, 14 April 2010 UCSB stepper frame.tdb (file) 250 KB Hwchen   5
17:15, 14 April 2010 UCSB stepper frame2.tdb (file) 250 KB Hwchen   1
13:54, 12 April 2010 Foreign Travel Reimbursement Worksheet.pdf (file) 410 KB Fusinfun Blank form to request reimbursement for non-domestic travel. 1
13:51, 12 April 2010 Domestic Travel Reimbursement Worksheet.pdf (file) 147 KB Fusinfun Blank form to request reimbursement for domestic travel. 1
11:13, 7 April 2010 081220 recipe optical filter batch5.xls (file) 105 KB Hwchen   1
11:12, 7 April 2010 080701 filter rev1 process flow.ppt (file) 1.26 MB Hwchen   1
10:04, 7 April 2010 Cond consts gpsIII IV V.pdf (file) 168 KB Molly Thermal conductivities of semiconductors 1
23:52, 6 April 2010 080625 optical filter rev1.tdb (file) 288 KB Hwchen   1

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