SWEEPER, formally known as "Chip-scale Integrated Photonic Phased Array" (CHIPPA) aims to produce a phased array of waveguide-coupled surface gratings integrated with an on-chip tunable laser, amplifiers, and phase modulators for free-space beam control in 2 axes.
update this for SWEEPER 5A
RUN 5.A (SWEEPER Phase II 32x Si PIC)
Process overview: File:SWEEPER5A v04.ppt
Process traveller: File:SWEEPER5 Trav-v04.docx
Google docs traveller (shows real-time results and progress): [1]
Anneal breakout traveller: File:SWEEPER5 Trav-v02b ANNEALBREAKOUT.docx
Proton implant recipe: File:Proton implant recipe summary.pptx
Previous traveller:
Full Mask set version 31: File:SWEEPER5 v31.gds
Full Mask set with correct polarity version 31: File:SWEEPER5 v31 polarity.gds
Mask Layer Layout Properties: File:Sweeper5 31 lyp.zip
Mask with Gratings Layout: File:Sweeper5 v35 Gratings.gds
Mask with new Grating test structures for split: File:Sweeper5 v35 GratingsSplit.gds
Grating Mask Layer Layout Properties: File:Sweeper5 GratingsLyp.zip
starter mask set: File:SWEEPER5 lyrs4.gds
RUN 4.1 (Hybrid Silicon only for tunable lasers)
Process overview: File:SWEEPER4-1 v4.ppt
Process traveller: File:SWEEPER HSi-Trav31.0 Run4.1.docx
Google docs traveller (shows real-time results and progress): [2]
Previous traveller: File:SWEEPER HSi-Trav30.2 Run4.1.docx
Mask set: File:SWEEPER4.zip
RUN 3.2 (Hybrid Silicon only for SOA tests)
(combined with EPHI Dev2 Run)
RUN 3.1 (active Silicon only for fast phase modulator tests)
Current Traveler for ACTIVES Run 3 - Phase modulator run: Media:SWEEPER Actives Trav v21_2b ACTIVE SI ONLY.docx <-- note the new dopant anneal recipe: 5mins instead of 10.
Old Traveler for ACTIVES Run 3 - Phase modulator run: Media:SWEEPER Actives Trav v21_1 ACTIVE SI ONLY.docx
Powerpoint overview (trav 21_2): Media:process flow SWEEPER RUN3_1 trav v21_2.pptx
Planned schedule for ACTIVES Run 3 - Phase modulator run: aSi-PM Process Schedule
Mask set: Media:SWEEPER 3_1 - aSi Shortloop v12.zip
Mask set showing EBL layer: Media:SWEEPER 3_1 - aSi_Shortloop_v12B (EBL incl).zip (top cell is AAA_aSi_FULL_FLAT)
Chip status is maintained on a google doc: Google doc traveller
Current Anneal Recipes for ACTIVES Run 1:: Media:Sweeper_Anneal_Recipe.xlsx
RUN 2.4 (hybrid Silicon only for Phase 1 tunable lasers retest)
Traveler: Media:SWEEPER_MDHybrid_Trav_v02_HYBRID_SI_ONLY.docx
Mask set through EBL: Media:SWP_2-4_WG2-VC-EBL.zip
RUN 2.3 (hybrid Silicon only for Phase 1 tunable lasers test)
Traveler used for ACTIVES Run 1A (hybrid silicon only - no active silicon): Media:SWEEPER Actives Trav vH20_2_HYBRID-ONLY.docx
RUN 2.2 (both active and hybrid Silicon for Phase 1 PIC)
Traveler used for ACTIVES Run 1 (full process, chips A-E, produced chips A2, E1, E2): Media:SWEEPER Actives Trav v20_1.docx
Mask used for ACTIVES Run 1: Media:SWEEPER_ACTIVES85_TAPEDOUT.zip
RUN 2.1 (active Silicon for Phase 1 intermediate testing)
Prior traveler for ACTIVES Run 1 (active Si only): Media:SWEEPER Actives Trav v15_3.xls
RUN 1.2(spring/summer 2011 - passive SWEEPER for Phase 1 with revisions to avoid grating damage)
Traveler for Run 2B: Media:110202 Sweeper Rev1.1 Run 2B.xls
RUN 1.1(early spring 2011 - passive SWEEPER for Phase 1)
Traveler for Run 1: Media:110202_Sweeper_Rev1_Batch_1.xls
Powerpoint overview can be found here Media:SWEEPER_process_flow.pptx
Prelim mask:
File:SWEEPER ACTIVES55 semifinal flat2.cif
File:SWEEPER ACTIVES59 semifinal flat2.cif
Grating Reports:
Sweeper 5A - Phase II Si 32x PIC
Rib Etch SEMs - File:Rib Etch SEMs.zip
NDope Litho - File:NDopeLitho.zip
PDope Litho - File:PDopeLitho.zip
DBR test gratings and Lens Array SEMs - File:DBR test gratings & lens.zip
Hybrid SI Tunable Laser re-RUN - Sweeper 4.1
Run 4.1
Post Bond Macroscopic Pictures - Samples H,I,J,K - File:SW4 1 PostBond+100nmOxide Macroscopic.zip
Post Bond Microscopic Pictures - Samples H,I,J,K - File:SW4 1 PostBond+100nmOxide Microscopic.zip
PMesa Etch Rie 2 traces - File:SW4 1 MesaEtch Rie2Traces.zip
PMesa Etch SEMs - File:PMEtch.zip
QW Etch SEMs - File:QWetch.zip - Shows roughness of RIE2 etch vs the smoothness of the wet etch
NMetal Litho Pictures - Samples I - File:Nmetallithochipi.zip
NMetal Liftoff Pictures - Samples I,J,K - File:Nmetalliftoff.zip - Shows stringers, bubbles, failed liftoff, uneven RIE2 etch(?) in certain areas.
N-InP Etch Picture - Samples K - Media:NInP_Etch_K_1.png
VIA1 Litho - Sample K - File:Via1Litho K R1C1.zip - Shows how mesa pattern is compressed with respect to Via1 pattern.
VIA1 etch AFM results - File:AFM after via etch analyzed.zip
VIA1 Blanket etch Dektaks - File:Via Blanket Etch Dektaks.zip
ThermoOptic Metal Litho - File:ToMetLitho.zip
Post Via2 Etch Strip Stringers - File:Post Via2 Etch Strip Stringers.zip
Post Via2 Litho Cracking - File:PostVia2LithoCracking.zip
Post-Unaxis-Oxide-Deposition Failed Photoresist Spin - Media:J_badPRspin.jpg - Recipe Barton_SiO2_50C. Solution: solvent clean, dehydration bake, 2 min PEII at 200W
IVs spot Check 1_28_13 - File:IVs - Preliminary - 1 28 13.zip
LIVs 2_1_13 - File:LIVs - 2 1 13.zip
LIVs 2_4_13 - File:LIVs - 2 4 13.zip
LIVs in Excel - SGDBR 29 Lasers found - File:LIVs Excel.zip
Chip K - Vernier 05 - LIV and OSA data - File:K R1C2 Vernier05.xlsx
OSA_K_SummaryFiles - File:OSA K SummaryFiles.zip
Run 1
Step - Description - Sample Names - File
3.3 - Rib litho pics before hard mask etch: File:Rib litho pics.zip
3.4 - Rib Pics before Si Etch - Dummy 1 : File:Dummy post pr strip pre rib etch.zip
3.4 - Rib Pics before Si Etch - Sample 1: File:Sample1 pre si etch.zip
3.4 - Rib Pics before Si Etch - Sample 2: File:Sample2 pre si etch.zip
3.5 - Rib Pics post Si Etch - Sample 2: File:Sample2 post si etch.zip
Run 2
Step - Description - Sample Names - File
3.5 - SEM post Si Etch - Dummy 2: File:Dummy2 SEM post si etch.zip
4.4 - N-Dope Litho (Implant 3A) - Sample 3 & 4: File:Ndopelithopics.zip
4.5 - Post Implant 3A PR Strip - Sample 3 & 4: File:Post imp3A PR strip.zip
5.3 - P-Dope1 Litho (Implant 3B) - Sample 3 & 4: File:Implant3B litho.zip
5.4 - Post Implant 3B PR Strip: Media:post_imp3B_PR_strip.jpg
6.3 - P-Dope2 Litho (Implant 3C) - Sample 3 & 4: File:Implant3C litho.zip
6.4 - Post Implant 3C Partial PR Strip, "Cracks" - S3_Dies 1,2: File:Cracking Pics post 3C Strip 1.jpg
7.1 - Post 1050C Anneal (S3 and Dum2 taken to unknown temp): File:Post 1050C anneal pics.zip
9.2 - Via 1 Litho - Dum2, S3, S4: File:Via 1 litho pics.zip
9.4 - Via 1 Etched, PR Stripped: File:Via1 Etch PR Stripped.zip
10.1 - Failed Contact (NMetal) Litho - Dum2, S3, S4: File:Failed contact Litho.zip
10.1 - Contact (NMetal) Litho - File:NMetal Litho.zip
10.3 - Contact Metal Liftoff - File:Liftoff Results.zip
12.2 - Via 2 Litho - File:Via2Litho.zip
12.3 - Post 5 & 10 min SU8 etch - File:Post5and10minetchsu8.zip
12.. - SU8 Removal - SiNetch 2.5' + SU8 etch 3.5'+3.5' + ISO u/s 5' + Piranha 1' - File:Su8removalpostpiranhadip.zip
13.1 - SU8 Swabbed off/ PRMetal Litho - Sample 4 - File:SwabbingSU8 & ProbeMetalLitho.zip
13.4 - 2nd PRMetal Layer Lifted off - Sample 4 - File:2nd PRMetal Layer 9 5 12.zip
14.4 - Post Grating Opening Etch/Strip - Sample 4 - File:9 7postGOstrip.zip
Passive grating results: File:Sweeper Q2.doc
2D beam steering results, OFC video: File:OFC Doylend vid2.zip