This course has not been offered in recent years. Professor Parhami took over the teaching of ECE 252C in the winter of 1996. By covering sequential machines, computer arithmetic, and advanced microprocessor-based design, the graduate course sequence ECE 252A/B/C was meant to provide a firm foundation in the theories and techniques of advanced digital design.
By the early 1990s, however, microprocessors had already become dominant and virtually every processor (even those used in highly parallel computers) was a microprocessor. Thus, in a sense, the microprocessor was the focus of every course in computer design and arhitecture. Professor Parhami thus updated ECE 252C to deal with selected topics in COTS- (commercial off-the-shelf) and custom-based digital design.
A record of the offerings of ECE 252C taught by Professor Parhami is contained in the following document.
Offerings of ECE 252C in 1996 and 1998 (PDF file)
Topics discussed included compact design using bit/digit-serial arithmetic, design with microcontrollers, design for flexibility and low power consumption, design for extremely high throughput and/or speed, compact high-throughput design via on-line arithmetic, VLSI array processors for extreme computational power, trends in asynchronous and data-driven control design.