3 Behrooz Parhami
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Behrooz Parhami's Student Supervision Page

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Page last updated on 2024 December 16

This page contains a record of all students who have been formally advised by Professor Parhami in their graduate studies, dissertation or thesis work, directed study/research, internships in industry, and special projects courses. The records, listed within each category in reverse chronological order, are composed of the date of activity or graduation, student name, and title of research or project, where applicable. Students who have sought occasional or informal advice about their research problems or career paths are not listed, nor are students who have carried out research under Professor Parhami in connection with regularly taught lecture courses. A partial record of students in the latter category is available at the Web sites for various courses.

Doctoral Students Supervised
Doctoral Committee Memberships
Master's Students Supervised
Master's Committee Memberships
Directed Studies and Projects

Post-Doctoral Scholars Supervised

At the ECE Dept., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara:
2016-2017   Zhao, Chenggui   Professor of Computer Science & Vice Dean of the School of Information, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming, P. R. China; Interests in graph theory and parallel computing, with focus on load balancing, scheduling, and virtual network embedding.

Doctoral Students Supervised

At the ECE Dept., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara:
2004/12   Jaberipur, Ghassem   Frameworks for the Exploration and Impl'n of Generalized Carry-Free Redundant Number Systems. Coadvised with Prof. M. Ghodsi (Faculty member at Shahid Beheshti Univ.)
1998/03   Yeh, Chi-Hsiang   Efficient Low-Degree Interconnection Networks for Parallel Processing: Topologies, Algorithms, VLSI Layouts, and Fault Tolerance (Faculty member at the Queen's Univ., Canada)
1997/12   Kwai, Ding-Ming   Pruning Strategies for Deriving Cost-Effective and Scalable Parallel Processor Interconnection Networks (Initial employer: Worldwide Semiconductor Corp., Taiwan)
1994/12   Hung, Ching-Yu   Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Arithmetic Algorithms for Residue Number Systems (Initial employer: Integrated Systems Lab, Texas Instruments, Dallas)

Doctoral Committee Memberships

At the ECE Dept., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara:
In progress   Rahman, Eli   Chaired by Prof. Ghassem Jaberipur, Shahid Beheshti U., Iran [External examiner]
2022/07   Asadi, Mehran   Chaired by Prof. Seokbum Ko, U. Saskatchewan, Canada [External examiner]
2022/06   Khare, Ajay   Chaired by Prof. Santanu Chattopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur, India [External examiner]
2021/05   Basak, Abanti   Chaired by Prof. Yuan Xie
2020/09   Akgun, Itir   Chaired by Prof. Yuan Xie
2012/05   Gao, Ming   Chaired by Prof. Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng
2011/05   Saeed Shamshiri   Chaired by Prof. Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng
2009/06   Tandon, James S.   Chaired by Prof. Steven E. Butner
2007/06   Mirhassani, Mitra   Chaired by Prof. Majid Ahmadi, U. Windsor, Canada [External examiner]
1998/12   Saed, Aryan   Chaired by Prof. Majid Ahmadi, U. Windsor, Canada [External examiner]
1996/06   Chen, Xiaomin (Simon)   Chaired by Prof. Louise E. Moser
1992/06   Dodd, James M.   Chaired by Prof. Steven E. Butner

Master's Students Supervised

At the ECE Dept., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara:
2024/11   Zhang, Zheng   Comprehensive exam
2024/11   Zuo, Kedai   Comprehensive exam
2024/09   Yang, Shang-Hsun   Comprehensive exam
2023/05   Geng, Cathy Shenqi   Comprehensive exam
2023/05   De Los Santos, Noah   Comprehensive exam
2023/05   Li, Shu-Yu   Comprehensive exam
2023/04   Chen, Yi-Liang   Comprehensive exam
2022/05   Wong, Destin   Comprehensive exam
2022/04   Ding, Kerr   Comprehensive exam
2022/04   Burd, Jacqueline M.   Comprehensive exam
2021/05   Dong, Boning   Comprehensive exam
2021/01   Menninger, Tim   Comprehensive exam
2020/05   Tenneti, Sridivya   Comprehensive exam
2020/01   Chhajer, Shreyansh   Comprehensive exam
2019/11   Zhang, Zhicheng   Comprehensive exam
2019/11   Young, Brian   Comprehensive exam
2019/05   Li, Xun   Comprehensive exam
2019/05   Zhang, Haowen   Comprehensive exam
2019/03   Kong, Yan   Comprehensive exam
2019/01   Nallasami, Gokul   Comprehensive exam
2017/12   Lu, Yin   Comprehensive exam
2017/12   Tao, Sixin   Comprehensive exam
2017/04   Edussuriya, Sunimal   Comprehensive exam
2016/11   Anantha Padmanabhan, Padmavathy   Comprehensive exam
2016/05   Apodaca, Grant Alexander   Comprehensive exam
2015/01   Li, Wanlu   Comprehensive exam
2014/11   Han, Mingjia   Comprehensive exam
2014/05   Meng, Yueran   Comprehensive exam
2014/05   Goodman, Eric   Comprehensive exam
2013/12   Lavekar, Manish   Comprehensive exam
2013/12   Huang, Changhao   Comprehensive exam
2013/02   Weng, Jiahong   Comprehensive exam
2010/03   Nguyen, Long Viet   Comprehensive exam
2010/02   Spadaro, Derek   Comprehensive exam
2008/11   Narayanan, Sesh   Comprehensive exam
2008/11   Rajagopalan, Suryanarayanan   Comprehensive exam
2008/10   Radhakrishnan, Varun   Comprehensive exam
2004/08   Liu, Tzu-Ning   Comprehensive exam
2003/09   Chen, Xiaoli   Comprehensive exam
1999/06   Ceran, Serhan   Comprehensive exam
1999/03   Larsen, Gunnar   Comprehensive exam
1997/12   Shi, Jun   Comprehensive exam
1997/06   Gargeshwari   Comprehensive exam
1997/06   Gin, Kevin Anthony   Comprehensive exam
1996/11   Chao, Kuai Him (Simon)   Comprehensive exam
1996/05   Kim, Young Seok   Comprehensive exam
1995/11   Mangewala, Rajinder   Comprehensive exam
1995/05   Ghate, Sanjiv Anand   Comprehensive exam
1995/05   Huang, Jiun-Lang   Comprehensive exam
1994/05   Lin, Yung-Chieh   Comprehensive exam
1994/03   Panek, Craig   Comprehensive exam
1993/05   Camenzind, Peter S.   Comprehensive exam
1992/11   Binney, Jason P.   Comprehensive exam
1991/12   Chang, Chun-Chieh Iris   Comprehensive exam
1991/06   Lai, Hsun-Feng   Table Lookup Schemes and Associated Algorithms in Computer Arithmetic

At Sharif (formerly Arya-Mehr) Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran:
1985/10   Toloue Kashef, Forough   A Study of Software Fault Tolerance Techniques
1985/07   Jalili, Saeed   An Information System for Aircraft Maintenance and Operation
1985/03   Abtahi, S. Ebraahim   The Role of Informatics in Iran's Development Plan
1984/11   Meraat-Nia, Ahmad   Computerized Rice Sampling Survey System
1984/09   Aaghaai Damani, Faatemeh   Automatic Solution of Elem. Math. Problems Posed in Persian
1984/09   Daanesh, Farimaah   A Comparative Study of Database Query Languages
1984/01   Farahat, Saeed   Computer Description of 3D Objects from Three Coordinate Projections
1983/06   Mehrjerdian, Hooshang   A Preprocessor for High-Precision Numerical Computations
1983/05   Haddaad Shokri, Eltefaat   A Study of Database Computers
1982/06   Asadi Khomami, Alireza   Hardware Aspects of Security and Privacy in Computer Systems
1981/03   Niku, Mohammad Ali   Reliability Improvement in Digital Systems via Coding Techniques
1980/02   Tafaghodi Jaami, Ahmad   Efficiency Considerations in Storage and Retrieval of Persian Texts
1978/07   Taraghi, Mahmood   Automatic Recognition of Printed Persian Texts
1978/01   Nasseri, Parviz   Automatic Formatting and Justification of Persian Texts
1977/06   Alvandi, Kaykhosro   A Direct Numerical Control System
1976/08   Mirza-Abdollahi, Mohammad   Automatic Translation of Sci. Texts from English into Persian

Master's Committee Membership

At the ECE Dept., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara:
2024/05   Han, Kai   Comprehensive exam
2024/04   Park, Jonghyun   Comprehensive exam
2022/05   Yuan, Kevin   Comprehensive exam
2022/05   Hemphill, Justin   Comprehensive exam
2021/09   Bakhtavari, Sina   Design of Magnetic-Based Memory Capable of Performing Basic Logic Operations
2021/05   Rochelle, Trenton   Comprehensive exam
2020/05   Blasband, Evan   Comprehensive exam
2020/05   Diamond, Blake   Comprehensive exam
2020/03   Oh, Sang Min   Comprehensive exam
2019/12   Ou, Yulin   Comprehensive exam
2019/05   Chowdhury, Himangshu   Comprehensive exam
2018/03   Gan, Yiming   Hardware Acceleration for Tensorized Neural Networks
2016/11   Janaswamy, Divya   Comprehensive exam
2016/11   Miller, William M.   Comprehensive exam
2016/11   Yan, Kai   Comprehensive exam
2016/10   Gao, Kun   Comprehensive exam
2016/10   Li, Longfeng   Comprehensive exam
2016/04   Xue, Linue   Comprehensive exam
2016/03   Preble, Ethan   Comprehensive exam
2015/11   Miao, Zong (Zach)   Comprehensive exam
2015/11   Chieh, Lu (Louis)   Comprehensive exam
2015/09   Liu, Liu   Comprehensive exam
2015/06   Purdue, Shane   Comprehensive exam
2015/02   Guo, Renzhe   Comprehensive exam
2014/11   Tian, Fangzhou   Comprehensive exam
2014/05   Xiao, Yi   Comprehensive exam
2014/03   Gosavi, Rahul   Comprehensive exam
2014/03   Zhou, Ying   Comprehensive exam
2014/02   Yu, Jiangyu   Comprehensive exam
2013/10   Kousthubadharan, Sowmyan   Comprehensive exam
2012/10   Upadhyaya, Sudheesh   Comprehensive exam
2012/10   Bhaskar, Umesh   Comprehensive exam
2012/06   Fierro, Joshua   Comprehensive exam
2012/06   Tamilmani, Sudarvizhi   Comprehensive exam
2012/02   Kelgeri, Santosh   Comprehensive exam
2011/07   Mapara, Mihir   Comprehensive exam
2009/12   Huang, Chung-Ting Tim   Comprehensive exam
2009/05   Fu, Jing   Comprehensive exam
2009/01   Sehmi, Vikramjeet Singh   Comprehensive exam
2007/11   Prerna, Prerna   Comprehensive exam
2004/06   Chun, Jun G.   Comprehensive exam
2004/03   Ho, Wan-Lun   Comprehensive exam
2002/12   Garcia-Lamarca, Santi   Comprehensive exam
2002/04   Williams, Graham   Comprehensive exam
2001/12   Berre, Marit Gladhaug   Comprehensive exam
2001/12   Chang, Ying-Tsai   Self-Referential Verif. of Gate-Level Implementations of Arith. Circuits
2001/12   Kanwar, Anshuman   Comprehensive exam
2001/05   Wason, Ashwani   Comprehensive exam
2000/07   Solem, Michael   Comprehensive exam
2000/06   Gunduz, Mehmet   Comprehensive exam
2000/06   Salazar, Antonio Jose   On Forced Variable Reintroduction for BDD Simplification
1999/11   Mody, Salil   Comprehensive exam
1999/11   Natarajan, Sailasyam   Comprehensive exam
1999/06   Chen, Han-Ning   Comprehensive exam
1999/06   Haavi, Tormod   Comprehensive exam
1999/06   Pettersen, Per Troland   Comprehensive exam
1998/06   Fuess, Judy Anne   Comprehensive exam
1997/12   Khan, Imran Haroon   Comprehensive exam
1997/06   Krishnamurthy   Comprehensive exam
1997/06   Sharma, Chandan Dev   Comprehensive exam
1996/11   Chen, Jianju   Comprehensive exam
1996/05   Namdaran, Ashkan   Comprehensive exam
1996/05   Udompanyanan, Varin   Comprehensive exam
1995/11   Dillard, John Paul   Comprehensive exam
1995/11   Mokhtari, Roya   Comprehensive exam
1995/05   Mankunde, Hari-Prasad   Comprehensive exam
1995/05   Tsai, Huan-Chih   Comprehensive exam
1994/11   Bian, Fuliang   Comprehensive
1994/11   Huynh, Dave Datphuoc   Comprehensive exam
1994/08   Lingley-Papadopoulos, Colleen A.   The Totem Process Group Membership and Interface
1994/05   Hauge, Mariann   Comprehensive exam
1994/05   Thomson, Steven Eric   Comprehensive exam
1993/05   Harsha   Comprehensive exam
1993/05   Kuehn, Jacqueline M.   Comprehensive
1992/11   Gattani, Amit   Comprehensive exam
1992/11   Saxena, Alankar   Comprehensive exam
1991/11   Chen, Yi-Jan   Comprehensive exam
1991/04   Santee, Steven   Comprehensive exam
1990/07   Dodd, James M.   Thesis

At Sharif (formerly Arya-Mehr) Univ. of Technology, Tehran, Iran:
1980/05   Afshari Ali Aabaad, E.   Thesis
1979/06   Nazari, M.   Thesis (Mechanical Eng. Dept.)
1978/12   Borhaani Alamdaari, M.   Thesis
1978/09   Jozani, A.   Thesis
1978/03   Aasefi, B.   Thesis
1978/03   Amin-Nia, A.   Thesis
1977/10   Afsarmanesh Tehrani, H.   Thesis
1976/08   Kasraie, A.   Thesis
1976/07   Ahamadi Torshizi, H.   Thesis
1975/11   Behjat, E.   Thesis
1974/12   Farahbakhsh, N. A.   Thesis
1974/10   Gaaria, I.   Thesis

At the Computer Science Dept., UCLA:
1974/06   Griffis, S. W.   comprehensive exam
1974/01   Beigh, R. A.   comprehensive exam
1974/01   Cristiani, S. J.   comprehensive exam.
1974/01   Hayes, T. W.   comprehensive exam

Directed Studies and Projects

The following students were supervised in individual study/research or in internships:
2011   Kelgeri, Santosh   Internship in Industry, ECE 493, Fall
2011   McKeown, Michael   Undergraduate Research, ECE 196, Spring & Summer.
2010   Nguyen, Long Viet   MS Comprehensive Exam Preparation, ECE 597, Winter.
2009   Huang, Chung-Ting (Tim)   Internship in Industry, ECE 493, Spring.
2008   Narayanan, Sesh   Internship in Industry, ECE 293, Fall.
2008   Bromage, Sean C.   Internship in Industry, ECE 193, Winter.
2007   Pintongkam, Sirichai   Directed parallel proc. research to resolve an "I" grade for ECE 254B, Fall.
2002   Bhattacharaya, Subhra   Internship in Industry, ECE 293, Fall.
1996   Haynal, Steven P.   Directed research in computer arithmetic, 2 units, Spring.
1993   Crews, Andrew L.   Directed research in parallel processing, 4 units, Spring.
1992   Serrano, Mauricio   Research in parallel processing (mesh with row/column buses).
1988   Nayak, Amiyaranjan   Directed study in fault-tolerant comp., 0.5 course, Carleton Univ., W & S
1985   Aal-Yaasin, Mitra   BS Project, Methods of Computer Performance Improvement, 3 units, Spring.
1985   Zandi, S.   BS Project, A Comparison of Unix and CP/M Operating Systems, 3 units, Spring.
1977   Aabedinejad, M. M.   Individual study on classes of automata and decision problems, 1 unit, Fall.
1977   Borhaani-Alamdaari, M.   Individual study on formal languages and related automata, 1 unit, Fall.