Behrooz Parhami's website banner


Behrooz Parhami's Useful Links

Network Links

Dr. Parhami has found the following Web sites, organized into 20 categories, useful for his own academic and personal pursuits. The links may not be up to date, so use at your own risk.

Mail, Search, Directory       Guides, Databases, Tools
Dictionaries and Reference      Maps, Travel, Weather
Libraries and Archives      Bookstores and Publishers
Univ. of California, UCSB      UCSB/ECE, CE Program
Technical Periodicals        Technical Conferences
Education and Teaching     Hardware and Software
Research Information       Research Funding Sources
Groups and Organizations       News and Views
Art, Literature, Poetry      Games, Hobbies, Recreation
Humor and Curiosities       Banks, Stores, E-Merchants

Page last updated on 2024 July 22

Disclaimer: I am frequently contacted by Web managers and other readers with suggestions to expand or update this page. I have neither the resources nor the need to frequently update this page, which is primarily for my personal use. Updates occur when I need something new or when I discover that a link is broken/dead. There is no routine monitoring of Web sites for the sake of keeping the page up to date. Please take no offense if your e-mails with suggestions go unanswered.

Mail, Search, Directory

GMail-ECE   GMail-BP   Linked-in   ConnectBox    Facebook    Twitter    GoodReads
Google    G-Books    G-Images    G-Scholar    G-Translate    G-Video    YouTube
Searching via multiple engines
White Pages     Yellow Pages
Yahoo      Yahoo-based AllTheWeb      Yahoo directory

Guides, Databases, Tools

Arranging a room   Better Homes & Gardens
Calculators of all kinds
Calculators   Math, engineering, conversions, and more
Calculators   Personal finance, retirement, and more
Calendar, Persian   Calendar generator
Calendar, Persian   On-line calendar
Calendars and other time/date stuff
Citations and h-index   Via Google Scholar
Father's World
Homework help and more   Fact Monster
Internet connection test   Testing the speed of an Internet connection
Internet domain names and Web hosting   Network Solutions
Movie Guide   Internet Movie Database
Music Guide   All Music
Persian Typing Aid   Behnevis
Persian Typing Aid   Google transliteration
Persian Typing Aid   Direct input from on-line keyboard
TV Guide   Programs listing
Unit Conversions
US Consumer Price Index
US Internal Revenue Service   Guides and forms
Visual map of the market

Dictionaries and Reference

Dictionary/Thesaurus, English
Dictionary/Thesaurus, English
Dictionary, multilingual   Definitions and various searches (starting with, ending with, containing)
Dictionary, Persian to/from English
Dictionary, Persian encyclopedic   Loghat-Naameh Dehkhoda
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia, free online   Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Iranica
Guinness World Records
Quotations archives:   BrainyQuoteQuoteland
Thesaurus, English

Maps, Travel, Weather

Airline, United   United Airline
California coastline aerial photos
Highway webcams, California   California Dept. Transportation   Hotels search and reservations
Los Angeles traffic prediction   Traffic movement map, by day and hour
Map of the World   Editable, interactive world map
Maps, Expedia   Maps and driving directions
Maps, Google   Google interactive maps
Microsoft Virtual Earth
Travel, comparison shopping
Travel, Expedia
Travel, UC   Univ. of California travel and car rental rate agreements
Weather   for Goleta, Ventura, West Los Angeles

Libraries and Archives

ACM Guide to Computing Literature
AMS Mathematical Reviews   MathSciNet
E-Audiobooks, free Persian
E-Books, CRC handbooks
E-Books, free   Project Gutenberg
E-Books, free   Ultimate Guide
E-Books, free Persian   ParsTech
E-Books, free textbooks   Wikibooks
E-Books, free textbooks
IEEE Xplore   Online journals and more
Internet Archive   For finding an old Web page with known URL
Library, Goleta Public   Includes Kidspace
Library, Internet Public   Includes Kidspace
Library, Melvyl search   UC libraries' combined catalog
Library, UC databases
Library, UC e-journals
Library, UCSB   Main page
Library, UCSB Engineering Guide
Mathworld   World of Mathematics, Wolfram Research
Turing Archives   Alan Turing's life and works

Bookstores and Publishers

Bookstore, Amazon   On-line bookstore
Bookstore, E-Bay discount   Formerly
Publish your own books
Publisher, Oxford Univ. Press
Publisher, Springer   Includes Kluwer Academic & Plenum Press
Textbooks and more,   Rent, buy, or sell your textbooks

Univ. of California, UCSB

UC employee benefits   UC at Your Service Online
UC Path   UC payroll, benefits, HR
UC travel portal   Connexxus
UCAP   University Committee on Academic Personnel
UCLA University Records System Access (URSA)
UCSB Academic Personnel
UCSB Academic Senate
UCSB College of Engineering
UCSB Department of Computer Science
UCSB e-Grades   Electronic grade reporting system
UCSB graduate admissions database

UCSB/ECE, CE Program

CE Program faculty recruitment
CE Program main page
ECE Dept. course evaluation results   Including instructor and TA evals
ECE Dept. forms and publications   Including general catalog & schedule of classes
ECE Dept. main page

Technical Periodicals

ACM Computing Reviews   Free reviews under "hot topics"
Authors Home, Elsevier
Author info, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I
Author info, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II
J. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iranian
Journal ranking information
Journals, American Mathematical Society   Including Mathematical Reviews
Manuscript Central, IEEE CS   IEEE Computer Society author/reviewer/editor system
Manuscript Central, IET   The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Manuscript Central, IJPEDSInt'l J. Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems
Manuscript submission, Nature
Manuscript submission, SIAM

Technical Conferences

Computer Arithmetic, IEEE Int'l Symp.   ARITH-22, 2015
Conference calendar, IEEE Computer Society
Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp.   IPDPS
Proc. ARITH Conf.   IEEE Int'l Symp. Computer Arithmetic
Proc. HPCA Conf.   High-Performance Computer Architecture; PDFs found under conf. program
Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar Conf.

Education and Teaching

Biology, Moorpark College   Behnaz Parhami-Seren
Business-related degrees   On-line guide by Discover Business
Business schools in California   On-line guide by Discover Business
Career Development and Education, IEEE CS
Collection of university lectures   CS, math, ...; video, audio, and/or notes
Computer architecture, Univ. California Berkeley   David Patterson
Computer arithmetic, animation   Alain Guyot
Computer arithmetic, George Mason Univ.   Kris Gaj
Computer arithmetic, Stanford Univ.   Michael J. Flynn
Computer arithmetic, Tel Aviv Univ.   Guy Even
Computer arithmetic, Univ. California Davis   Vojin Oklobdzija
Computer arithmetic, Univ. California Los Angeles   Milos Ercegovac
Computer arithmetic, Univ. Massachusetts Amherst   Israel Koren
Computer arithmetic, Univ. Wisconsin Madison   Michael Schulte
Computer Science Online   Courses and other resources in CS
Education Portal   Videos on English, math, history, social sciences, business, and science
Engineering orientation   Career advice for precollege students
MOOCs provider: Coursera
MOOCs provider: Udacity
Open courseware at MIT
Parallel Programming   On-line book by Ian Foster
Resources for teachers   "100 unbelievably useful reference sites you've never heard of"
The Ultimate RISC (URISC)   Wikipedia article describing an educational tool of F. Mavaddat and B. Parhami

Hardware and Software

AMD processors
Intel processors
Intel Technology J.
Microsoft Research

Research Information

Architecture and Arithmetic Group   Standord Univ., Michael J. Flynn
Computer arithmetic links   J.-M. Muller (includes bibliographies)
Floating-point arithmetic with adaptive precision   Jonathan R. Shewchuk, CMU
Floating-point standard, IEEE 754   First issued 1985, revised 2008
Gate arrays, dynamically programmable   Caltech
Interval analysis, constraint solving via robust
Interval computation resource page
Processor Technologies Group, Advanced   Manchester Univ.
Reconfigurable architectures   Caltech
Soft computing   Univ. California Berkeley
VLSI info on the Web   Univ. Idaho (includes FPGAs)

Research Funding Sources

COS Pivot Finding Discovery
NIST Advanced Technology Program
UC Discovery Grant
UCSB Office of Research Funding Database
UC Micro Program
US National Science Foundation
US NSF Fastlane   Proposal submission

Groups and Organizations

American Mathematical Society   AMS
Association for Computing Machinery   ACM Web
British Computer Society   BCS
Computer Architecture and Compilers, Directory of Researchers
IEEE CCS   IEEE California Central Coast Section (Technical Talks Calendar)
Informatics Society of Iran
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers   IEEE
Men Advocating for Gender Equity   UCSB MAGE
Professors Against Plagiarism   Blog, mostly in Persian
Salem Parhami Yahoo Group   Private family photo and file exchange site
Sharif (Arya-Mehr) Univ. Technology Association   SUTA
UCLA Bruins Santa Barbara Network   Events calendar
UCP work Inc.
West Campus Point UCSB Faculty Housing
West Campus Point UCSB Leak Remediation   Blog
WWW Computer Architecture Page

News and Views

Atlantic, The   Online magazine
BBC Persian Service
Computing Research News
Daily Beast, The
Daily Nexus, The   UCSB student newspaper
Google News   Online magazine, in English and Persian
Iran News Agency   IRNA
Los Angeles Times
New York Times   NYT on the Web
New Yorker, The
Newshour   PBS online radios
Newsweek magazine   Newsweekly
Persian Heritage   Online magazine
Salon   Online magazine
Santa Barbara Independent   Newsweekly
Santa Barbara News Press
Science Daily
Science Magazine   AAAS
Science News
Sciences, National Academy of   PNAS
Scientific American
Tech News, ACM
Tech News, BBC
Tech News, c|net
Tech News, IEEE Spectrum
Tech News, MIT
Tech News, Reuters
Tech News, The Conversation
Time magazine   Newsweekly
UCSB's NewsletterThe Currrent
USA Today
Voice of America, Persian
Yahoo News

Art, Literature, Poetry

Art Gallery, Kane   Khosro Esmaeili
Music, Engineering, Design   Farnaz Parhami
Music Discovery, Pandora   Personalized Internet radio stations
Music Library   MP3 files at Ghost Whisperer
Music, with Lyrics
Persian Nast'aliq Writing Tool
Poetry Archives
Poetry Daily
Poetry Foundation
Poetry, Hafez   Divaan-e Hafez; Includes faal-e Hafez
Poetry, Hafez   Mastaaneh; Includes faal-e Hafez
Poetry, Persian Online Library
Poetry, Persian-speaking poets

Games, Hobbies, Recreation

Bit-Player   "An amateur's outlook on computing and mathematics"
Codeword Puzzles
Crossword Puzzles
Essays on Math Topics   American Mathematical Society's "The Feature Column"
Logic Games Online   Sudoku, Netwalk, Nurikabe, LightsOut, TenPair
Puzzles, USA Today   Crossword, Sudoku, Up & down words, Word roundup
Sudoku Puzzles
Think Labyrinth   Maze page by Walter D. Pullen
Walking Program, UCSB

Humor and Curiosities

Cartoon Caption ContestThe New Yorker
Humor & Video
Jokes in the Google directory
Jokes in the Yahoo directory
Jokomok   Persian jokes

Banks, Stores, E-Merchants

American express
AT&T Mastercard
Bank, Chase
Bank, Wells Fargo
Computers/electronics, Best Buy
Computers/electronics, Dell
Computers/electronics, HP Shopping
Cox Communications
Department store, K-Mart
Department store, Sears
Department store, Target
Edison   Electric company
Gas Company
Health insurance, Health Net
Macy*s Card
MarBorg Disposal   Trash and recycling
Movie rental, Netflix
Movie rental, Redbox
Pharmacy, CVS Caremark
Photo development and printing
Sears Card
Telephone service, Verizon
Telephone service, Verizon Wireless
Warehouse store, Costco Online
Weight Watchers
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage