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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
11:52, 24 February 2011 MQW (file) 21 KB Yongbo MQW design based on FDM. 1
17:31, 17 March 2011 (file) 1 KB Yongbo   1
13:18, 1 April 2011 (file) 3 KB Yongbo   2
18:29, 6 April 2011 EAM10 process.xls (file) 102 KB Yongbo   1
18:30, 6 April 2011 EAM10 process.pptx (file) 988 KB Yongbo   1
18:36, 6 April 2011 EAM10 (file) 1.47 MB Yongbo   1
12:01, 16 December 2011 SOA EPI DESIGN v1.pptx (file) 735 KB Yongbo First version of the SOA EPI design based on current SOA epi. It will be revised if the standard EPI from landmark shows better results in simulation 1
10:47, 6 January 2012 SOA-EPI-Design V1.2 update.xlsx (file) 15 KB Yongbo   1
15:45, 18 January 2012 SOA-EPI-Design V1.4 update.xlsx (file) 102 KB Yongbo   1
15:47, 18 January 2012 SOA-EPI-order.xlsx (file) 13 KB Yongbo   1
11:17, 20 January 2012 InAlGaAs params.m (file) 7 KB Yongbo   1
11:21, 20 January 2012 HW SOA D.txt (file) 6 KB Yongbo   1
11:16, 30 January 2012 Agiltron Manual FOTF.pdf (file) 119 KB Yongbo   1
14:57, 20 March 2012 Final SOA-0711281-E-Specs.xlsx (file) 761 KB Yongbo   1
14:58, 20 March 2012 Final SOA-0711281-F-Specs.xlsx (file) 552 KB Yongbo   1
09:19, 1 April 2012 EAM12 process.xls (file) 154 KB Yongbo   1
09:37, 1 April 2012 Q1 report Paper Study of hybrid modulators v1.docx (file) 168 KB Yongbo   1
09:41, 1 April 2012 Comparison of different modulator design v1p5.pptx (file) 186 KB Yongbo   1
09:47, 1 April 2012 Report 0707231-2 110714.pdf (file) 2.05 MB Yongbo   1
22:13, 2 April 2012 Report 0711281-E.pdf (file) 2.18 MB Yongbo   1
22:14, 2 April 2012 Report 0711281-F.pdf (file) 2.47 MB Yongbo   1
14:28, 9 April 2012 EAM11 process flow.pptx (file) 783 KB Yongbo   1
14:31, 9 April 2012 Report 0707231-3 110714.pdf (file) 2.52 MB Yongbo   1
14:34, 9 April 2012 EAM11 process.xls (file) 154 KB Yongbo   2
14:40, 9 April 2012 EAM11 mask (file) 3.91 MB Yongbo   1
11:37, 12 April 2012 SOA (file) 3 KB Yongbo   2
13:24, 14 April 2012 OPlinkOADMG2C Spectrum.GIF (file) 10 KB Yongbo   1
18:15, 22 April 2012 LegGrating.gds (file) 1 KB Yongbo   1
18:17, 22 April 2012 LagGrating.gds (file) 1 KB Yongbo   1
16:17, 16 June 2012 OFC2012 Y Tang v2.2.pptx (file) 7.51 MB Yongbo   1
16:19, 16 June 2012 OI2012 Y Tang.pptx (file) 7.47 MB Yongbo   1
16:27, 16 June 2012 Hybrid optical EAM 1550nm polarization structure up stand.m (file) 11 KB Yongbo Support TE or TM mode Support tilt QW edge. Useful for most hybrid silicon waveguide 1
16:37, 16 June 2012 (file) 1 KB Yongbo   1
16:38, 16 June 2012 HybridEAM11 (file) 7 KB Yongbo   1
16:47, 16 June 2012 CPW (file) 117 KB Yongbo CPW Mask for parameter extraction of the passive transmission lines 1
17:05, 16 June 2012 (file) 61 KB Yongbo Including two packages: one for segmented electrode; the other one for the capacitively-loaded electrode. 1
17:06, 16 June 2012 Simulation result 20110914.pptx (file) 246 KB Yongbo   1
17:12, 16 June 2012 W0100P Y Tang.pptx (file) 5.07 MB Yongbo   1
14:07, 13 August 2012 POEMv1.pptx (file) 157 KB Yongbo   1
21:09, 14 August 2012 (file) 2.69 MB Yongbo   2
09:39, 27 August 2012 (file) 15.31 MB Yongbo   1
09:42, 27 August 2012 (file) 10 KB Yongbo   2
09:46, 27 August 2012 SOI 500nm 1000nm spec.pdf (file) 37 KB Yongbo   1
10:42, 27 August 2012 (file) 170 KB Yongbo   1
12:09, 28 August 2012 EAM11 mask map.pptx (file) 347 KB Yongbo   1
12:30, 28 August 2012 EAM11 mask overview.pptx (file) 216 KB Yongbo   1
12:36, 28 August 2012 EAM11 (file) 60 KB Yongbo   1
12:39, 28 August 2012 EAM11 (file) 768 KB Yongbo   2
16:50, 1 October 2012 TLM EAM11-1310-B1-A beforeSU8.xlsx (file) 167 KB Yongbo   1
16:51, 1 October 2012 TLM EAM11-1550-B2-A beforeSU8.xlsx (file) 165 KB Yongbo   1

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