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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
16:07, 2 August 2012 Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits - Larry Coldren.rar (file) 6.78 MB Jock   1
13:12, 2 August 2012 DUV Lithography Test on Si.rar (file) 5.29 MB Jock   1
11:22, 2 August 2012 DUV Stepper Waveguides 1.pptx (file) 4.84 MB Jaredhulme   2
16:52, 1 August 2012 SEM Gratings 8 1 (file) 1.3 MB Jaredhulme   1
15:27, 1 August 2012 SEM Gratings 8 1 12.pptx (file) 3.56 MB Jaredhulme   1
14:02, 30 July 2012 Implant3B (file) 675 KB Jaredhulme   1
14:02, 30 July 2012 Post imp3A PR (file) 1.92 MB Jaredhulme   1
13:45, 30 July 2012 FimmwaveJuly2012.rar (file) 96.58 MB Jock   1
10:00, 26 July 2012 SWEEPER Actives Trav v21 2b ACTIVE SI ONLY.docx (file) 71 KB JKD   1
16:24, 24 July 2012 (file) 3.34 MB Jaredhulme   1
12:15, 24 July 2012 Process flow SWEEPER RUN3 1 trav v21 2.pptx (file) 154 KB JKD   1
12:13, 24 July 2012 SWEEPER Actives Trav v21 2 ACTIVE SI ONLY.docx (file) 72 KB JKD - Blanks filled in for SU8, nitride etches - heavy ion implant moved to end to avoid exceeding thermal budget - SU8/nitride to be opened for gratings, heavy ion, during VIA2 (probe via) litho, then oxide/nitride protection layers opened during GO (grating 2
09:15, 23 July 2012 Sample2 SEM post si (file) 3.02 MB Jaredhulme   2
15:46, 18 July 2012 VernierScale12 5nm.gds (file) 19 KB Jock   2
14:19, 18 July 2012 SWEEPER Actives Trav v21 1 ACTIVE SI ONLY.docx (file) 65 KB Jaredhulme   1
13:32, 18 July 2012 Sample2 post si (file) 453 KB Jaredhulme   1
12:44, 18 July 2012 ASML Alignment Mark.gds (file) 3 KB Jock   2
10:33, 18 July 2012 Sample2 pre si (file) 491 KB Jaredhulme   1
10:33, 18 July 2012 Sample1 pre si (file) 886 KB Jaredhulme   1
10:33, 18 July 2012 Dummy post pr strip pre rib (file) 354 KB Jaredhulme   1
09:44, 17 July 2012 Rib litho (file) 1.14 MB JKD   1
12:06, 16 July 2012 ComsolThermal.rar (file) 1.81 MB Molly Example comsol thermal simulation - hybrid Si laser crosstalk 1
23:55, 14 July 2012 AAA aSi RIBLAYER.cif (file) 9.63 MB JKD   1
15:15, 13 July 2012 III-V mesa etch completed on SOA1.pptx (file) 4.81 MB Michael Davenport   3
09:36, 13 July 2012 SWEEPER Actives Trav v21 0 ACTIVE SI ONLY.docx (file) 70 KB JKD Phase modulator run - July/Aug 2012 - using active Si only (i.e. no III-V). Devices include phase modulators using current injection, carrier depletion, and thermooptic for comparison. Several types of structures are included (MZI's using MMI's and dire 1
21:13, 12 July 2012 Ephi Mesa Etching v2.xlsx (file) 14 KB Michael Davenport   1
12:03, 12 July 2012 WGPD fullprocess.pptx (file) 572 KB Molly   2
12:03, 12 July 2012 WGPD Si v2.xlsx (file) 32 KB Molly   2
10:37, 12 July 2012 Hybrid Silicon Process Follower - v1.2.xlsx (file) 48 KB Jaredhulme Automatic step numbering 4
14:14, 3 July 2012 QUOTE UCSB25940-BH-05L (08-08-10).xls (file) 118 KB Molly   2
12:46, 29 June 2012 (file) 12 KB Jock   1
21:08, 28 June 2012 ICP2 CF4-CHF3-O2 Deep Nano Etch.pptx (file) 1.33 MB Jock   2
12:48, 25 June 2012 UCSB MOF.doc (file) 222 KB Jock   2
12:12, 20 June 2012 LibmaskV6 (file) 1.09 MB Jock   5
00:49, 20 June 2012 (file) 22.59 MB Sfaralli Mask of the DQPSK receiver (Second Run) 1
00:22, 20 June 2012 6 27 2011 DQPSK Receiver coordinates.ppt (file) 162 KB Sfaralli DQPSK Receiver Coordinates for the Mask Layout 1
17:12, 16 June 2012 W0100P Y Tang.pptx (file) 5.07 MB Yongbo   1
17:06, 16 June 2012 Simulation result 20110914.pptx (file) 246 KB Yongbo   1
17:05, 16 June 2012 (file) 61 KB Yongbo Including two packages: one for segmented electrode; the other one for the capacitively-loaded electrode. 1
16:47, 16 June 2012 CPW (file) 117 KB Yongbo CPW Mask for parameter extraction of the passive transmission lines 1
16:38, 16 June 2012 HybridEAM11 (file) 7 KB Yongbo   1
16:37, 16 June 2012 (file) 1 KB Yongbo   1
16:27, 16 June 2012 Hybrid optical EAM 1550nm polarization structure up stand.m (file) 11 KB Yongbo Support TE or TM mode Support tilt QW edge. Useful for most hybrid silicon waveguide 1
16:19, 16 June 2012 OI2012 Y Tang.pptx (file) 7.47 MB Yongbo   1
16:17, 16 June 2012 OFC2012 Y Tang v2.2.pptx (file) 7.51 MB Yongbo   1
18:01, 14 June 2012 K&L 20.5GHz-2GHz.pdf (file) 4.82 MB Daryl   1
17:06, 14 June 2012 BondingChuck.pptx (file) 69 KB Geza Schematics for 4" bonding chuck. Designed by Geza, Jock and Jon Peters. 1
11:42, 13 June 2012 Equipment intrailer updated 6-13 by mike.docx (file) 10 KB Michael Davenport   1
11:26, 8 June 2012 2012 06 08 Sweeper Summary.xlsx (file) 373 KB Peters   1
09:46, 8 June 2012 20120608 SF6 Silicon etch.pptx (file) 1.16 MB Peters   1

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