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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
14:46, 8 November 2013 6 0 1 - July 2013 - Fimmwave.rar (file) 94.54 MB Jock   1
15:38, 25 August 2013 NCF mask writing.pdf (file) 263 KB Jock   1
11:07, 16 July 2013 2013-7-16 - Processing Update 2 1micron.pptx (file) 725 KB Jock   1
10:22, 24 June 2013 May2013 - Fimmwave.rar (file) 95.96 MB Jock   2
18:17, 14 June 2013 Rainbow 2.1 (file) 11.83 MB Jock   1
11:00, 10 April 2013 Fimmwave 5.4.3 April 2013.rar (file) 95.64 MB Jock   1
20:35, 27 March 2013 BowersLogo.png (file) 14 KB Jock   1
09:29, 14 March 2013 (file) 52.22 MB Jock   1
09:21, 14 March 2013 (file) 51.82 MB Jock oops. I over wrote an ald file... 3
20:04, 18 November 2012 Chip Sizing Process Notes.docx (file) 226 KB Jock   2
01:20, 15 November 2012 2012-11-07 15-09-11 HDR.jpg (file) 750 KB Jock   1
16:02, 12 September 2012 SWEEPER 3.1 (file) 22.24 MB Jock   1
15:47, 9 August 2012 KeyFinderInstaller.rar (file) 1,017 KB Jock   1
00:56, 9 August 2012 DUV Stepper Waveguides Development.pptx (file) 23.26 MB Jock   3
16:08, 2 August 2012 Silicon Photonics The State of the Art - Graham Reed.rar (file) 24.9 MB Jock   1
16:08, 2 August 2012 Silicon Photonics An Introduction - Graham Reed.rar (file) 1.63 MB Jock   1
16:07, 2 August 2012 Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits - Larry Coldren.rar (file) 6.78 MB Jock   1
13:12, 2 August 2012 DUV Lithography Test on Si.rar (file) 5.29 MB Jock   1
13:45, 30 July 2012 FimmwaveJuly2012.rar (file) 96.58 MB Jock   1
15:46, 18 July 2012 VernierScale12 5nm.gds (file) 19 KB Jock   2
12:44, 18 July 2012 ASML Alignment Mark.gds (file) 3 KB Jock   2
12:46, 29 June 2012 (file) 12 KB Jock   1
21:08, 28 June 2012 ICP2 CF4-CHF3-O2 Deep Nano Etch.pptx (file) 1.33 MB Jock   2
12:48, 25 June 2012 UCSB MOF.doc (file) 222 KB Jock   2
12:12, 20 June 2012 LibmaskV6 (file) 1.09 MB Jock   5
11:20, 4 May 2012 2012-05-04 - Deep Grating Etch Process shortloop JTB.pptx (file) 4.86 MB Jock   1
15:11, 28 April 2012 PulsarWG GratingLibrary 250nmDUV 5.gds (file) 29.72 MB Jock   1
15:05, 28 April 2012 MASK DESCRIPTION - PULSAR WG and Long Period Grating Library.xlsx (file) 168 KB Jock   1
15:03, 28 April 2012 PTWG LONGGRAT (file) 6 KB Jock   1
13:12, 28 April 2012 5500-300.gds (file) 58 KB Jock   1
12:43, 28 April 2012 ASML DUVstepperFid.gds (file) 116 KB Jock   1
12:42, 28 April 2012 Reticle Design Manual 6 inch.pdf (file) 4.8 MB Jock   1
17:07, 27 April 2012 EXAMPLE DUV Mask.pdf (file) 988 KB Jock   1
17:05, 27 April 2012 UCSB quotation 101410.doc (file) 427 KB Jock   1
23:42, 18 April 2012 UCSB-E-Phi-dev-1 SOI mask details.pptx (file) 488 KB Jock   1
17:43, 15 March 2012 Fimmwave March (file) 97.97 MB Jock   1
16:49, 29 February 2012 Asylum AFM MFC-3D Procedure v1 - Basic Tapping Mode.docx (file) 13 KB Jock   2
16:46, 29 February 2012 Asylum AFM MFC-3D Procedure v2.docx (file) 21 KB Jock   1
12:03, 18 November 2011 LioniX Run 1 Fabrication Report.pdf (file) 116 KB Jock   1
12:01, 18 November 2011 LioniX Run -1 Fabrcation Report.pdf (file) 116 KB Jock   1
11:56, 18 November 2011 GaAs on Silica Hybrid Process Flow v1.0.pptx (file) 312 KB Jock   1
11:06, 10 November 2011 (file) 72.05 MB Jock   1
11:59, 6 November 2011 Taper Tip Reduction Process Development.pptx (file) 20.97 MB Jock   1
19:49, 27 October 2011 Pietro 07262011.pptx (file) 1.71 MB Jock   1
19:10, 27 October 2011 2010-12-07 Grating Update.pptx (file) 3.75 MB Jock   1
19:08, 27 October 2011 2010-03-01 Grating Update.pptx (file) 4.32 MB Jock   1
16:03, 13 September 2011 LPOUpdated.PDF (file) 202 KB Jock   2
18:05, 24 August 2011 (file) 100.44 MB Jock   1
16:54, 10 August 2011 Fimmwave 32&64 bit Aug (file) 6.59 MB Jock   2
16:50, 10 August 2011 Office Professional Plus 2010.pptx (file) 543 KB Jock   1

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