1. H. Chen and Z. Zhang, "Stochastic
model predictive control of autonomous systems with
non-Gaussian correlated uncertainty,"
submitted to American Control Conference (ACC 2020).
2. Z. Liu and Z. Zhang, "Quantum-inspired
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian sampling,"
submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Research. arXiv:1912.01937
3. R. Solgi, Z. He, W. J.
Liang and Z. Zhang, "Evolutionary tensor shape search for
optimum data compression with tensor train decomposition,"
submitted to Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP) 2022.
5. Z. Yang, J. Shan and Z.
Zhang, "Hardware-efficient
mixed-precision CP tensor decomposition,"
submitted to SIAM J. Mathematics of Data Sciences, 2022.
[C56]. Y.
Zhao, X. Xiao, A. Descos, Y.Yuan, X. Yu, G. Kurczveil, M.
Fiorentino, Z. Zhang and R. Beausoleil, "Experimental
Demonstration of an Optical Neural PDE Solver via On-Chip
PINN Training," Optical Communication Conference (OFC),
March 2025.
[J45] X.
Yu, S Hooten, Z. Liu, Y. Zhao, M. Fiorentino, T. Van
Vaerenbergh and Z. Zhang, "Separable operator networks,"
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), Dec. 2024
X.Yu, S. Hooten, Z. Liu, Y. Zhao, M. Fiorentino, T. Van
Vaerenbergh and Z. Zhang, "SepONet: Efficient Large-Scale
Physics-Informed Operator Learning," NeuRIPS Workshop on
Data-driven and Differentiable Simulations, Surrogates, and
Solvers (D3S3), Dec. 2024.
Z. Yang, Z. Liu, S. Choudhary, X. Xie, C. Gao, S. Kunzmann and Z.
Zhang, “CoMERA: Computing- and Memory-Efficient Pre-Training
via Rank-Adaptive Tensor Optimization,”
Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Vancouver, Canada, December 2024 (acceptance rate: 25.8%)
[C53] Y. Yang, K. Zhen, E.
Banijamali, A. Mouchtaris and Z. Zhang, "AdaZeta: Adaptive
Zeroth-Order Tensor-Train Adaption for Memory-Efficient
Large Language Models Fine-Tuning," Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Miami
Florida, Nov. 2024.
Z. He, B. Peng, Y.
Alexeev and Z. Zhang, "Distributionally Robust
Variational Quantum Algorithms with Shifted Noise," IEEE
Trans. Quantum Computing, vol. 5, pp. 1-12, June 2024.
[C52] J. Lee, S.
González-García, Z. Zhang and H. Jeong, "Coded Computing Meets Quantum Circuit Simulation:
Coded Parallel Tensor Network Contraction Algorithm," Intl. Symp. Information Theory, Athen, Greece, July 2024.
[J43] Z. Chen, Q. Li, Z.
Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Zhao and Z.
Zhang, "PID
Control-Based Self-Healing to Improve the Robustness of
Large Language Models," Transactions on Machine Learning
Research (TMLR), 2024.
[C51] Y. Yang, J. Zhou, N.
Wong and Z. Zhang, "LoRETTA: Low-Rank
Economic Tensor-Train Adaptation for Ultra-Low-Parameter
Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models,"
Conf. Northern American Association of Computational
Linguistics (NAACL), Mexico City, Mexico, June 2024.
(Acceptance rate: 22%, selected as top 5% for oral
[C50] A. Chen, Y. Zhang, J.
Jia, J. Diffenderfer, J. Liu, K. Parasyris, Y. Zhang, Z.
Zhang, B. Kailkhura, S. Liu, "DeepZero:
Scaling up Zeroth-Order Optimization for Deep Model
Training," International Conference on Learning
Representations (ICLR), May 2024. (Acceptance rate: 31%)
[J42] X. Yu, J. C. Serralles,
I. Giannakopoulos, Z. Liu, L. Daniel, R. Lattanzi and Z.
Zhang, "PIFON-EPT: MR-Based Electrical Property Tomography
Using Physics-Informed Fourier Networks," IEEE Journal on
Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, Vol.
9, pp. 49-60, Dec. 2023.
[C49] Y Zhao, X Xian, X Yu, Z
Liu, Z Chen, G Kurczveil, RG Beausoleil, Z Zhang, "Real-Time
FJ/MAC PDE Solvers via Tensorized, Back-Propagation-Free
Optical PINN Training, " NeuRIPS Workshop on
Machine Learning with New Computing Paradigm (MLNCP), Dec.
[C48] Y. Pan, Z. He, N. Guo
and Z. Zhang, "Distributionally robust circuit design
optimization under variation shifts," Intl. Conf.
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 8 pages, San Francisco, CA,
Oct. 2023. (Acceptance rate: 22.9%)
[C47] Z. Chen, Q. Li and Z.
Zhang, "Fairness in non-stationary environment from an
optimal control perspective," ICML Workshop Frontiers4LCD,
19 pages, Hawaii, July 2023.
[C46] Z. Yang, S. Choudhary,
S. Kunzmann, and Z. Zhang, “Quantization-aware and
tensor-compressed training of transformers for natural
language understanding,” INTERSPEECH, 6 pages, Dublin,
Ireland, Aug. 2023.
[C45] Y. Zhao, X. Xiao, G.
Kurczveil, R.G. Beausoleil and Z. Zhang, “Tensorized optical
multimodal fusion network,” CLEO, 2
pages, San Jose, CA, May 2023.
Z. Liu, Y. Li, J. Hu, X. Yu, Xin Ai, Z. Zeng, and Z. Zhang,
“DeepOHeat: Operator learning-based ultra-fast thermal
simulation in 3D-IC design,” ACM/IEEE Design Automation
Conference (DAC), PP. 1-6, San Francisco, CA, June 2023
(Acceptance rate: 22.7%)
[J41] C. Lee, Z. Zhang and S.
Janušonis, "Brain serotonergic fibers suggest anomalous
diffusion-based dropout in artificial neural networks,"
Frontiers in Neuroscience, pp. 1-9, Oct. 2022.
Z. Chen, Q. Li and Z. Zhang, "Self-healing
robust neural networks via closed-loop control,"
Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 23, no. 319, pp.
1-54, 2022.
[C43] D. Kochan, Z. Zhang and
X. Yang, "A
quantum-inspired Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method for missing
data imputation," 3rd Annual
Conference on Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning,
pp. 1-18, 2022.
[C42] X. Yu, J. E. C.
Serrallés, I. I. Giannakopoulos, Z. Liu, L. Daniel, R.
Lattanzi and Z.Zhang, "MR-Based Electrical Property
Reconstruction Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks," QMR
Lucca workshop on MR Phase, Magnetic Susceptibility and
Electrical Properties Mapping, Lucca, Italy, Oct. 2022.
[C41] Z. Liu*, X. Yu* and Z.
Zhang, "TT-PINN: A tensor-compressed neural PDE solver for
edge computing," accepted by ICML Workshop on Hardware-Aware
Efficient Training, 2022. (*Equal contribution)
[C40] Z. He, B. Zhao and Z.
Zhang, "Active sampling for accelerated MRI with low-rank
tensors," accepted by Annual International Conference of the
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC),
Glasgow, Scotland, July 2022.
[J39] Z. He and Z. Zhang, "PoBO:
A Polynomial Bounding Method for Chance-Constrained
Yield-Aware Optimization of Photonic ICs" accepted by IEEE
Trans. CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, arXiv:
[C39] D. Lykov*, A. Chen*, H.
Chen*, K. Keipert, Z. Zhang, T. Gibbs and Y. Alexeev, "Performance
evaluation and acceleration of the QTensor quantum circuit
simulator on GPUs," International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and
Analysis 2021 (SC2021), 8 pages, Nov. 2021. (* equal
C. Hawkins, X. Liu and
Z.Zhang, "Towards
compact neural networks via end-to-end training: a Bayesian
tensor approach with automatic rank determination,"
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, vol. 4, no. 1,
pp. 46-71, Jan. 2022.
Github codes
[J37] Z. He and Z. Zhang,
"High-dimensional uncertainty quantification via tensor
regression with rank determination and adaptive sampling,"
IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing
Technology, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 1317 - 1328, Sept. 2021. (invited paper).
[C38]Z. He and Z. Zhang,
"Progress of tensor-based high-dimensional uncertainty
quantification of process variations," Applied Computational
Electromagnetics Society Conference (ACES), July 2021.
(invited paper)
[C37] Y. Chen, C. Hawkins, K.
Zhang, Z. Zhang and C. Hao, "3U-EdgeAI:
Ultra-low memory training, ultra-low bitwidth quantization,
and ultra-low latency acceleration," Proc.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLVLSI), pp. 1-6, June 2021 (Invited Paper)
C. Hawkins and Z. Zhang, "Bayesian tensorized neural networks
with automatic rank selection," Neurocomputing,
vol. 453, pp. 172-180, Sept. 2021. (early arXiv version in
May 2019:
[C27] K. Zhang, C. Hawkins,
X. Zhang, C. Hao and Z. Zhang, "On-FPGA training with ultra memory
reduction: A low-precision tensor method," ICLR Workshop on
Hardware-Aware Efficient Training (HAET), pp. 1-9, May 2021.
[J35] Z. Qu, L. Deng, B.
Wang, H. Chen, J. Lin, L. Liang, G. Li, Z. Zhang and Y. Xie,
efficient data processing with tensor-train decomposition,"
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design for Integrated Circuits
and Systems.
[C26] M. Wicker, L. Laurenti,
A. Patane, Z. Chen, Z. Zhang and M. Kwiatowska, "Bayesian
inference with certifiable adversarial robustness,"
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
Statistics (AISTATS), pp. 2431-2439. April 2021.
[C25]. Z. Chen*, Q. Li* and Z.
Zhang, "Towards
robust neural networks via close-loop control,"
International Conference on Learning Representation (ICLR),
May 2021,
22 pages. (*Equal contributing authors)
Open-source codes at GitHub.
[J34]. L. Liang, L. Deng, J.
Xu, M. Yan, X. Hu, Z.
Zhang, G. Li and Y. Xie, "Fast
search of the optimal contraction sequence in tensor
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal
Processing, vo. 15, no. 3, pp. 574-586, April 2021.
[J33]. B. Wang, L. Deng, Z.
Qu, S. Li, Z. Zhang, X. Yuan, "Efficient processing of
sparse tensor decomposition via unified abstraction and
PE-interactive architecture," accepted by IEEE Trans.
Computers, 14 pages.
[J32] W. Jiang, K. Zhang, C.
Y. Lin, F. Xing and Z. Zhang, "Sparse Tucker tensor
decomposition on a hybrid FPGA/CPU platform," IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and
Systems, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1864-1873, Sept. 2020.
[C24] Z. He and Z. Zhang,
"High-dimensional uncertainty quantification via active and
rank-adaptive tensor regression," IEEE Electrical
Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS), San
Jose, Oct. 2020. (Best Student
Paper Award)
[J31]. C. Cui, K.
Zhang, T. Daulbaev, J. Gusak, I. Oseledets and Z. Zhang, "Active
subspace of neural networks: Structural analysis and
universal attacks," SIAM
Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, vol. 2, no. 4, pp.
1096-1122, 2020.
[J30]. C. Cui*, K. Liu* and Z.
Zhang, "Chance-constrained
and yield-aware optimization of photonic IC
with non-Gaussian correlated process variations,"
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
and Systems, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 4958-1970, Dec. 2020 (* equally contributing authors)
Matlab codes
[J29] Z. Chen, L. J. Gomez, S. Zheng, A. C. Yucel, Z. Zhang and V.
Okhmatovski, "Sparsity-aware
pre-corrected tensor train algorithm for fast solution of 2-D
scattering problems and current flow modeling on unstructured meshes,"
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.
67, no. 12, pp. 4833-4847, Dec. 2019.
[C23] C. Cui*, C. Hawkins* and Z. Zhang, "Tensor
methods for generating compact uncertainty quantification and deep
learning models," International Conf. Computer
Aided Design (ICCAD), 6 pages, Westminster, CO, Nov.
2019. (Invited Special Session Paper, * equally contributing
[C22] Z. He, W. Cui, C. Cui, T. Sherwood and Z. Zhang, "Efficient
uncertainty modeling for system design via mixed integer
programming," International Conf. Computer Aided Design
(ICCAD), 8 pages, Westminster, CO, Nov.
[C21] K. Zhang, X. Zhang and Z. Zhang, "Tucker
tensor decomposition on FPGA," International Conf.
Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 8 pages, Westminster, CO,
Nov. 2019. (arXiv:1907.01522)
[J28] C. Cui and Z. Zhang, "High-dimensional uncertainty
quantification of electronic and photonic IC with non-Gaussian
correlated process variations," accepted by IEEE Trans. CAD of
Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 12 pages. (arXiv:1902.00004)
[C20] C. Cui and Z. Zhang, "Recent advancements
of uncertainty quantification with non-Gaussian correlated process
variations," IEEE MTT-S Conf. Numerical Electromagnetic &
Multiphysics Modeling & Optimization (NEMO), 3 pages, Cambridge, MA,
May 2019. (Invited Paper).
[J27] J. Luan and Z. Zhang, "Prediction
of multi-dimensional spatial variation data via Bayesian
tensor completion," IEEE Trans.
CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 39, no.
2, pp. 547-551, Feb. 2020.
G. Gruosso, G. Gajani, Z. Zhang, L. Daniel and P. Maffezzoni,
"Uncertainty-aware computational tools for power distribution
networks including electrical vehicle charging and loads profiles,"
IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 9357-9367, Jan. 2019.
[J25] C. Cui and Z. Zhang, "Stochastic
collocation with non-Gaussian correlated process variations: Theory,
algorithms and applications,"
IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1362-1375, July 2019.
Matlab codes,
Yearly Best Paper Award, selected as a
Popular Paper
[C19] A. Wahba, Li-C. Wang, Z. Zhang and N. Sumikawa, "Wafer pattern recognition using Tucker decomposition," IEEE
VLSI Test Symp., 6 pages, Monterey, CA, April 2019.
[J24] G. Gruosso, P. Maffezzoni, Z. Zhang and
L. Daniel, "Probabilistic
load flow methodology for distribution networks including load
uncertainty," International Journal of
Electrical Power and Energy Systems,
vol. 106, pp. 392-400, March 2019.
[C18] C. Cui, M. Gershman and Z. Zhang, "Stochastic
collocation with non-Gaussian correlated random parameters via a new
quadrature rule," IEEE Electrical Performance of
Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS), San Jose, Oct. 2018. (Best
Conference Paper Award)
[C17] C. Hawkins and Z. Zhang, "Variational Bayesian
inference for robust streaming tensor factorization and completion,"
IEEE Intl. Conf. Data Mining (ICDM), Singapore, Nov. 2018.
(acceptance rate=19.9%).
[C16] C. Cui and Z. Zhang, "Uncertainty
quantification of electronic and photonic ICs with non-Gaussian
correlated process variations," ACM Intl. Conf.
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 8 pages, Nov. 2018. (acceptance
[J23] P. Maffezzoni, Z. Zhang, S. Levantino and
L. Daniel, "Variation-aware modeling of integrated capacitors based
on floating random walk extraction,"
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 2180-2184 , Aug. 2018.
[C15] G. Gruosso,
R. Netto, P. Maffezzoni, Z. Zhang, L. Daniel, “Low voltage
electrical distribution network analysis under load variation,”
IEEE Intl. Conf. Industrial Tech., Lyon, France, pp. 1-6, Feb. 2018.
[J22] Z. Zhang, L. Daniel, K. Batselier, H. Liu and N. Wong,
computation: A new framework for high-dimensional problems in EDA,"
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 521-536, April 2017.
Invited Keynote Paper, Popular
[J21] N. Petra, C. Petra, Z. Zhang, E. Constantinescu and M.
Anitescu, "A Bayesian approach for parameter estimation with
uncertainty for dynamic power systems," IEEE
Trans. Power Systems, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 2735-2743, July
2017. (arXiv,
[J20] Z. Zhang, T.-W. Weng and L. Daniel,
tensor recovery for high-dimensional uncertainty quantification of
process variations," IEEE Trans.
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (T-CPMT), vol. 7, no.
5, pp. 687-697, May 2017. Invited Paper,
Popular Paper, Best Paper Award
[J19] P. Maffezzoni, B. Bahr, Z. Zhang and L. Daniel, "Analysis
and design of Boolean associative memories made of resonant
oscillator arrays," IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I:
Regular Papers (TCAS-1), vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 1964-1973, Nov.
[J18] P. Maffezzoni, B. Bahr, Z. Zhang and L. Daniel, "Reducing
phase noise in multi-phase oscillators," IEEE Trans.
Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS1), vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 379-388, March
[C14] Z. Zhang, T.-W. Weng and L. Daniel, "A
big-data approach to handle process variations: uncertainty
quantification by tensor recovery," IEEE Workshop on Signal and
Power Integrity, 4 pages, Turin, Italy, May 2016. (IEEE,
Best Oral Paper Award.
[T2] Z. Zhang, "Uncertainty
quantification of integrated circuits and microelectromechanical
PhD Dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA,
June 2015. ACM Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award in
Electronic Design Automation, MIT MTL Doctoral Dissertation Award.
[R1] Z. Zhang, H. D. Nguyen, K. Turitsyn and L. Daniel,
"Probabilistic power flow computation via low-rank and sparse
tensor recovery," arXiv:1508.02489 (arXiv,
[J17] P. Maffezzoni, B. Bahr, Z. Zhang and L. Daniel, "Oscillator
array models for associative memory and pattern recognition,"
IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS1),
vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 1591-1598, June 2015. (IEEE)
[J16] T.-W. Weng*, Z. Zhang*, Z. Su, Y. Marzouk, A. Melloni and
L. Daniel, "Uncertainty quantification of silicon photonic
devices with correlated and non-Guassian random parameters,"
Optics Express,
vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 4242-4254, Feb. 2015. (OE
manuscript, *equally
contributing authors)
[J15] Z. Zhang, X. Yang, I. V. Oseledets, G. E. Karniadakis and
L. Daniel, "Enabling high-dimensional hierarchical uncertainty
quantification by ANOVA and tensor-train decomposition,"
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 63-76, Jan. 2015 (arXiv
IEEE) Popular
[J14] P. Maffezzoni, B. Bahr, Z. Zhang and L. Daniel, "Analysis
and design of weakly-coupled oscillator arrays based on
phase-domain macromodels," IEEE Trans. CAD of
Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 77-85,
Jan. 2015
[J13] Z. Zhang*, N. Niloofar*, T. Klemas and L. Daniel,
"Maximum-entropy density estimation for MRI stochastic surrogate
models," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters
vol. 13, pp. 1656-1659, 2014. (IEEE,
*equally contributing authors)
[J12] Z. Zhang, T. A. El-Moselhy, I. M. Elfadel and L. Daniel,
"Calculation of generalized polynomial-chaos basis functions and
Gauss quadrature rules in hierarchical uncertainty
quantification," IEEE
Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
(TCAD), vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 728-740, May 2014. (IEEE,
Popular Paper
[J11] Z. Zhang, M. Kamon and L. Daniel, "Continuation-based
pull-in and lift-off simulation algorithms for microelectromechanical devices,"
IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS), vol.
23, no. 5, pp. 1084-1093, Oct. 2014 (IEEE)
[J10] P. Maffezzoni, Z. Zhang and L. Daniel, "A study of
deterministic jitter in crystal oscillators," IEEE Trans.
Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS1), vol. 61, no.
pp. 1044-1054, April 2014 (IEEE)
TCAS1 Popular Paper
[J9] Z. Zhang and N. Wong, "Canonical
projector techniques for analyzing descriptor systems,"
Int. Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (IJCAS),
vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 71-83, Feb. 2014 (PDF)
[C13] T.-W. Weng, Z. Zhang,
Z. Su and L. Daniel, "Fast stochastic simulation of silicon
waveguide with non-Gaussian correlated process variations,"
Asia Communication and Photonics Conf. (ACP), Shanghai,
China, Nov. 2014
[C12] Z. Zhang, X. Yang, G. Marucci,
P. Maffezzoni, I. M. Elfadel, G. Karniadakis and L. Daniel,
"Stochastic testing simulator for integrated circuits and MEMS:
Hierarchical and sparse techniques," IEEE Custom Integrated
Circuits Conf. (CICC), 8 pages, San Jose, CA., Sept.
2014. (IEEE,
arXiv) Invited Paper,
Best Paper Nomination
[J8] Z. Zhang, T. A. El-Moselhy, P. Maffezzoni, I. Elfadel and L. Daniel,
"Efficient uncertainty quantification for the periodic
steady state of forced and autonomous circuits,"
Trans. Circuits and Systems
II: Express Briefs (TCAS2), vol. 60, no.10, pp.
Oct. 2013. (IEEE,
[J7] Z. Zhang, T. A. El-Moselhy, I. M. Elfadel and L. Daniel,
"Stochastic testing method for transistor-level uncertainty
quantification based on generalized polynomial chaos,"
Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
(TCAD), vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 1533-1545, Oct. 2013 (IEEE,
Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award,
Popular Paper
[C11] Z. Zhang, I. M. Elfadel and L. Daniel,
"Uncertainty quantification for integrated circuits: Stochastic
spectral methods," IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Computer-Aided Design
pp. 803-810, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2013. (IEEE,
Invited Paper
[C10] M. Kamon, S. Maity, D. Dereus, Z. Zhang,
S. Cunningham, S. Kim, J. McKillop, A. Morris, G. Lorenz and L.
simulation and experimental methodology for analyzing pull-in and
release in MEMS switches,"
IEEE Int. Conf.
Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems
(Transducers and Eurosensors XXVII), pp.
2373-2376, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013. (IEEE)
X. Wang, Z. Zhang, Q. Wang and N. Wong, "Gramian-based model
order reduction of parameterized time-delay systems,"
Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (IJCTA), Dec.
Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, C.-K. Koh, G. Shi, G. K. Pang and N.
Wong, "Passivity
enforcement for descriptor systems via matrix pencil
perturbation," IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided
Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 31, no. 4,
pp. 532-545, April 2012
[C9] Z. Zhang,
I. M. Elfadel and L. Daniel, "Model order reduction of fully
parameterized systems by recursive least square optimization,"
IEEE/ACM Int. Conf.
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 523-530, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2011.
William J. McCalla ICCAD Best Paper Award Nomination
[C8] Z.
Zhang, X. Hu, C.-K. Cheng and N. Wong, “A
block-diagonal structured model reduction scheme for power grid
networks,” IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE),
pp. 44-49, Grenoble, France, Mar. 2011. (IEEE)
X. Wang,
Q. Wang, Z. Zhang, Q. Chen and N. Wong, “Balance
truncation for time-delay systems via approximate gramians,”
IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 55-60, Yokohama, Japan, Jan. 2011. (IEEE)
[C6] Z. Zhang, Q. Wang, N. Wong
and L. Daniel, “A
moment-matching scheme for the passivity-preserving model order
reduction of indefinite descriptor systems with possible
polynomial parts,” IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific
Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 49-54, Yokohama,
Japan, Jan. 2011. (IEEE),
Best Paper Award Nomination
[T1] Z.
Zhang, "Passivity assessment and model order
reduction for linear time-invariant descriptor systems in VLSI
circuit simulation," MPhil Thesis, Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of
Hong Kong,
Li Ka-Shing Prize
(University-Wide Best Thesis Award).
[J4] Z. Zhang
and N. Wong, “Passivity
check of S-parameter descriptor systems via S-parameter
generalized Hamiltonian methods,” IEEE
Trans. Advanced Packaging (TADVP), vol. 33, no. 4, pp.
1034-1042, Nov. 2010
[J3] Z. Zhang and N. Wong, “An
efficient projector-based passivity test for descriptor systems,”
IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1203-1214, Aug.
2010 (IEEE)
[J2] N. Wong and Z. Zhang, “Discussion
of ‘a half-size singularity test matrix for fast and reliable
passivity assessment of rational models’,”
IEEE Trans. Power Delivery (TPWRD), vol. 25, no. 2, pp.
1212-1213, April 2010
[J1] Z. Zhang and N. Wong, “Passivity
test of immittance descriptor systems based on generalized
Hamiltonian methods”, IEEE Trans.
Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCAS2), vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 61-65, Jan 2010
C. Y. Lin,
Z. Zhang, N. Wong and H. K.-H. So, " Design
space exploration for sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on FPGAs,"
Conf. Field
Programmable Technology (FPT),
pp. 369-372, Beijing, Dec. 2010. (IEEE)
[C4] Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, C.-K. Koh,
G. K.-H. Pang and N. Wong, "PEDS:
Passivity enforcement for descriptor systems via Hamiltonian-symplectic
matrix pencil perturbation," IEEE/ACM Int Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 800-807,
San Jose, CA, Nov.
2010. (ACM)
[C3] C. Y.
Lin, Z. Zhang, N. Wong and H. K.-H. So, "Power-delay and
energy-delay tradeoffs in sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on
FPGAs," in Proc. Int. Workshop on Highly Efficient Accelerators and
Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), Jun.
[C2] Z. Zhang and N. Wong, "An extension of the generalized Hamiltonian
method to S-parameter descriptor systems ," IEEE/ACM Asia and South
Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp.43-47, Taipei,
Jan. 2010.
[C1] Z. Zhang, C.-U. Lei and N. Wong, “GHM:
A generalized
Hamiltonian method for passivity test of impedance/admittance
descriptor systems”, IEEE/ACM Int.
Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 767-773, San Jose,
CA, Nov. 2009. (ACM) |
| |